The Gift of Goats

December 11, 2013 • Democratic Republic of the Congo
The gift of goats in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Samaritan's Purse distributes goats to families in need all over the world. Goats like these in Niger allow families to have milk for consuming and selling and to sell baby goats

Goats are changing lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo, especially for a woman who can now send her children to school and have money for other needs.

Betsy Langford works in the Samaritan’s Purse Democratic Republic of Congo office.

Living and working in Faradje, Democratic Republic of Congo, can be challenging. We have no cellphone connection except when standing on various large termite mounds, no running water besides the sweat running down our faces, and the most exciting thing to do in town (if it can be called a town) is to walk around Saturday market.

Give GoatsOn the up side, I work with an incredible group of staff members who love God, love each other, and work hard in spite of the difficulties. I also get to hear amazing stories of change in the lives of the people we are here to serve, helping us to realize that our problems are small in comparison to so many around us.

The gift of goats in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Mama Anzoyo can use the goats she was given to send her children to school and pay for necessities that the family needs.

Mama Anzoyo Marie Stella lost her husband during the initial attacks from the Lord’s Resistance Army in 2008. Since then, she has struggled to feed and clothe her 11 children. Sending them to school usually becomes a question of which children to send because it’s not possible to pay school fees for everyone.

Recently, Mama Anzoyo was a beneficiary of our goat program. As part of the requirements for receiving her goats, she constructed a shelter and attended trainings provided by Samaritan’s Purse staff. In May, she received three female goats and is sharing a male goat with four other households. Currently, two of her female goats are pregnant and should be giving birth in the coming months.

She plans to give each new goat to one of her children to care for and raise. As her herd size grows, the family will be able to sell some of the goats as well as any extra milk to pay for school fees and other family needs. If she continues to build her herd, she will be able to help her sons with their bride prices one day. The family is grateful to Samaritan’s Purse for a chance to gain status in the community and to invest in their future.

It is an honor to serve God as a Samaritan’s Purse representative, providing a means for families’ futures while sharing the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

