In Memory Of
Terri Garrett - Nashville, TN

Our cherished Terri entered the loving arms of Our Lord on February 8, 2024. Terri was born on November 24, 1957, in Madison, Tennessee, which meant we got to celebrate her birthday on most Thanksgivings for 66 years.

She was a graduate of Highland Academy and went on to attend Southern College
where she earned a degree in Nursing. Terri was a brilliant entrepreneur and nurse. While raising two children, she opened Dermess of Nashville, one of the first skin care clinics in Nashville.

Terri was lovely inside and out. She was a loving daughter, mother, sister, and grammy. She was loved dearly by all of her family as well as many friends who have said, “She was my best friend.” and “She loved like Jesus loves.” She loved deeply and was deeply loved. She loved learning and devoured books like food. She was most prolific in knowledge of the Bible, archeology, biographies and languages. She knew about historic figures and could have long conversations about their lives. She loved books by Ellen G. White and believed her writings were divinely inspired. She studied Hebrew and Arabic and deciphered Bible codes from those languages pursuing a deeper knowledge and walk with Jesus. What she learned she put on YouTube as a presentation to help others walk with The Lord as well.

She shared everything that God had opened her eyes to see...for she could not keep her joy to herself. Terri was unique, loving, kind, empathetic and always freely giving to her family and friends. She was a Proverbs 31 woman in every sense of the scripture. She will be so missed.

Terri is survived by her mother, Nancy Carlton; her son, Dan Hightower, Jr. (Ashley); her daughter, Catherine Hayes Coley (Johnson); and grammy to Elliot and Ava Coley, also survived by her siblings, Sherri Parrish (Craig), Gene Wingo (Andrea), and Lanita Lee (Shawn), as well as many nieces, nephews and cousins, and her precious dog, Buttons.

*All obituaries are submitted by family and friends of the deceased.

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