You will bless a child in

Located in Central Africa, Cameroon has been called an “Africa in miniature” because of its diversity in geography and culture. It is also one of the most literate nations on the continent. Samaritan’s Purse began delivering Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts to children here in 2001 and started offering The Greatest Journey, our follow-up discipleship course for shoebox recipients, in Cameroon in 2010.
Read Stories from the Field
Pray for Your Shoebox Recipient
“Whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”—Matthew 21:22
Please don’t stop praying for the boy or girl that you first lifted up when you packed your shoebox. Continue to ask God to soften his or her heart to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so that he or she will follow Him all the days of their life. Pray also for families and entire communities to be transformed as God’s love is shared through your simple gift.
The Greatest Journey
After your shoebox gift delights a boy or girl, you can give them the opportunity to participate in The Greatest Journey.

Taught by trained local teachers, this 12-lesson discipleship program shows children how to follow Christ and share Him with others. As boys and girls share the Scripture stories they learn in class, their friends and family come to faith—growing churches, starting new congregations, and transforming communities by the power of the Gospel.
Send a child on The Greatest Journey for just $6!
Monthly Gift Single GiftRecord Where Your Shoebox Went
Our Follow Your Box Map is specifically designed for you to keep track over multiple years where your shoebox gifts have blessed children in need.

Consider displaying one in your church or home as a reminder to pray for the boys and girls who have been blessed by your generosity.
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