A Gift of Life for the New Year

December 30, 2011 • United States

Debbie Richardson, Regional Host Coordinator for Children’s Heart Project, tells the story of a boy who received life-saving heart surgery this Christmas.

George Iga’s parents knew soon after their son’s birth in February 2010 that he wasn’t a completely healthy little boy. A visit to the doctor confirmed that George had a life-threatening heart defect.

Thankfully, by God’s sovereign hand, the Children’s Heart Project team was able to help George get the surgery he needed at a hospital in Florida.

David and Emily Trivette, and their children, Evelyn and Jake, were chosen to become George’s host family. To call them mission-minded would be somewhat of an understatement. David and Emily both served as transporters for Children’s Heart Project, making sure on several occasions that the children arrived safely at their destinations.

They already knew what the Children’s Heart ministry was all about before the opportunity to host presented itself. It was only natural that things would come full-circle, and they would be serving as a host family. It was a perfect fit!

On December 3, George arrived in the States with his mother, Agnes, and their Interpreter, Lois. The adventure for them had only just begun.

“I wish everyone could have seen what we did when the Ugandans arrived,” Emily said. “Agnes and Lois both had welcome baskets in their bedrooms. When Agnes started pulling things out of her basket, she could not believe what was in there, and when she turned around and saw George had things too, she hit the floor. She was overwhelmed by the Lord’s goodness to her and George. She just fell, kneeling, in silent reverence, tears streaming down her face. We were all very quiet. Then she got up and the singing and dancing began! We had a full out dance party as Lois’ and Agnes’ voices filled the room. It was awesome. I wish I could live it again 100 times.”

Four days later, George had a successful surgery. After a few days of recovery, George, Agnes and Lois left the hospital with a very excited host family that was prepared to shower them with loving care until George was well enough to return to Uganda.

When George arrived at the host home, there were Christmas stockings on the fireplace mantel with one for each of them!

The picture of George that Children’s Heart Project received prior to his trip to the U.S. shows a little boy who was not very happy and certainly not feeling well. Compare that with the one taken at the Trivette’s home just after surgery and you see such a change.

The Trivette’s not only witnessed a great change in George, but also his mother Agnes.

“Yesterday at church, our pastor preached a very simple John 3:16 message,” Emily said. “At the end of the service, Agnes went forward and I had the absolute honor of walking down with her. She said she rededicated her life to the Lord after seeing how much He loves her through all the recent blessings in her life. For Christmas we gave her a Bible with her name on it, and she was so excited! She carried it to church in the box so nothing would happen to it.”

