We are teaching families in Bolivia how to plant and tend fruit and vegetable gardens, yielding opportunities to share the Gospel.
First, Juan Carlos, a Samaritan’s Purse agricultural technician in Bolivia, teaches families how to grow and sell their own produce. Then he gives them everything they need to start a garden: a watering can, several varieties of enhanced seeds, a shovel, and an instruction guide—as well as a Bible and a Bible reading plan to grow in God’s Word.

Samaritan’s Purse agricultural technician Juan Carlos visits Nolberto’s home and talks about God’s Word with the family.
For a young man named Nolberto, the gift of a Bible is even more precious than the seeds for his family to grow bell peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, chard, onions, and watermelon. He reads the Bible out loud during family devotionals, since neither of his parents know how to read.
The Bible reading plan has especially encouraged children to read the Word of God with their parents, said Juan Carlos. As families read through the Bible together opportunities arise for our staff to answer questions about God and disciple family members during follow-up visits.
Nolberto’s family has been able to grow food to eat, as well as to sell locally. The family gave their local church the first part of their harvest because they believe that it is a blessing from God.
Other participants in our agriculture projects have been able to start community gardens to benefit local schoolchildren and their families.
Pray for the families receiving this agricultural assistance to know God and grow in faith in Him as they study His Word. Lift up our agriculture specialists in Bolivia as they help these families in Jesus’ Name.

For farmers in impoverished communities, growing an abundant crop can feel like an uphill battle. Their entire livelihood depends on one harvest per year, and a disaster, drought, or infestation can suddenly ruin everything they’ve worked for. Samaritan’s Purse is supplying drought-resistant plants, teaching farmers to diversify their crops, and offering fertilizer, tools, and training that will help ensure they reap a plentiful harvest. Just $55 can give a farming family valuable resources, and offer opportunities to share the Source of Life—“the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 1:3).