First Rebuild Completed in New Jersey

April 4, 2014 • United States

A couple from New Jersey is overjoyed by the completion of their new home after Superstorm Sandy destroyed their last house.

The massive flooding caused by Hurricane Sandy’s torrential rains lifted homeowners Mike and Joyce Curcio’s house off of its foundation before setting it back down again. While the house still was technically standing, it had been completely destroyed.

Help a Storm Victim Return HomeIt had been their home for five years. Before that, it had belonged to Joyce’s father. The loss was devastating.

But amid their sorrow following the storm, the family received amazing news. Samaritan’s Purse was rebuilding houses for Sandy victims in New Jersey and New York, and the Curcios were selected to be the first family to receive a brand new home in Jersey.

New Jersey rebuild

Mike and Joyce spent almost a year trying to get their new home. We were able to start rebuilding not long after the first anniversary of Hurricane Sandy.

Their new home was dedicated on Friday, March 28.

“We are so, so thrilled,” Joyce said before the dedication ceremony. “It’s been a long journey but a fulfilling, wonderful journey.”

READ MORE about Mike and Joyce’s rebuild process

During the dedication, they received a “bill” itemizing the cost of their home—even though Samaritan’s Purse covers all the costs of houses we rebuild for storm victims. “Paid in Full” was stamped on it, a reminder of how Jesus paid our own personal cost for salvation—free of charge.

Mike not only volunteered to help with the construction of his home with Samaritan’s Purse staff and volunteers, but he’s also been helping with the other rebuild projects we are doing around his area. Even after moving into the new home, he says he will continue volunteering whenever he has the opportunity.

“Just the work that has been done and the people from across the country are just amazing,” Joyce said. “They don’t even know how amazing they are. It’s been a really wonderful experience all around.”

In addition to getting a new home, Mike also received a new understanding of Christ.

“You and Steve taught me how to pray,” he said to program manager Andy Beauchamp. “I didn’t know you could talk to God that way.”

We currently are working on five other homes in New Jersey, and four more are in the planning and pre-construction stages. In addition to our rebuilds, 18 homes have been renovated.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Help build houses in New Jersey and in New York, or sign up for one of our other construction projects around the world.

U.S. Disaster Relief A gift to U.S. Disaster Relief equips us to respond to catastrophes like Hurricane Helene and other natural disasters in our nation. Samaritan's Purse mobilizes and equips thousands of volunteers to provide emergency relief to survivors of floods, tornadoes, wildfires, and hurricanes. Wherever we go, we bring comfort and the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the aftermath of major storms, we often stay behind to rebuild houses for people with nowhere else to turn for help.

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