Providing Emergency Shelter in Eastern Ukraine

July 2, 2024 • Ukraine
Samaritan’s Purse is providing emergency shelter relief supplies to homeowners in Eastern Ukraine.

Samaritan’s Purse partners are tarping roofs and repairing windows for homeowners located deep in the conflict zones.

Responding to the Crisis in Ukraine

As war rages on, Eastern Ukraine continues to suffer. Relentless shelling has forced thousands to leave behind their houses and farms to find temporary shelter elsewhere.

A Samaritan’s Purse partner named Nataliya is leading a team of Ukrainians to help their fellow citizens in the region. Over the past year, they have provided over 350 families with emergency shelter materials such as tarp, plexiglass, and oriented strand board (like particle board) to help them patch together what is left of their homes.

“Even if three windows need to be fixed, we will come,” Nataliya said.

She is determined to bring hope to broken hearts.

“Plexiglass is like a miracle,” said Nataliya. “It brings light into homes.” Where opaque materials have covered windows for months, sometimes hope takes the form of a clear piece of plastic.

Bringing Warmth and Light

Before a Russian incursion, the house that Valeria* grew up in was filled with love and laughter as the home for her and her husband, their children, and grandchildren. But all that changed when artillery broke their 22 windows and left their walls damaged. Only because the roof did not collapse was the family able to stay in their home that overflowed with so many memories.

“Our windows were just covered with a film that was constantly torn by the wind,” Valeria said. “It was very cold in the house.”

A Ukrainian home takes a hit from the shelling. These are the types of holes that our shelter materials help address.

But Nataliya’s team arrived with hope—in the form of plexiglass—and repaired all their windows.

Relieved, Valeria said, “The house became warm and light.”

Offering Eternal Hope

An older homeowner named Kateryna* appreciated not only the physical repairs a similar Christian partner provided, but also the spiritual support of these volunteers who shared the Word of God with her.

“When the war started, anxiety increased in my heart,” Kateryna said. “It is very difficult for me to be alone; I have very bad thoughts about what will happen next.”

Nataliya (second from left) and her team work hard to minister to their fellow Ukrainians who are in harm’s way.

On top of this emotional struggle, her house was badly damaged, leaving her with a leaky roof.

“Volunteers started coming to my village. They provided help; they brought God’s Word. Thanks to the repairs provided by the volunteers, it became warmer, and the rain does not drip on my head.

“If I had not received this help, my soul would have continued to suffer.”

Nataliya and her team are grateful for Samaritan’s Purse assistance as they aid people like these.

“We can call and talk to you about more than reports,” Nataliya said. “You support not only through partnerships, but also spiritually.”

Please pray for our partners as they care for their fellow citizens affected by war. Pray also for the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ to flood anxious hearts and souls who are overwhelmed by the ongoing conflict.

Samaritan’s Purse tarp covers many roofs in Eastern Ukraine.

*Name changed for security.

Olena and her children huddle in their cellar next to a stove provided by Samaritan's Purse.
Responding to the Crisis in Ukraine Samaritan's Purse is providing food, water, and non-food items, such as wood stoves, solar lights, and construction materials, to suffering families in Ukraine. In partnership with local churches and ministry partners, we are bringing this urgently needed relief to those in areas deeply affected by the conflict. We are also airlifting medical supplies into the country and providing medical training as fighting rages on. Since the start of the war, we have operated two field hospitals and other medical clinics.

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