Putting a Stop to Human Trafficking

Putting a Stop to Human Trafficking

Every person is created in the image of God. Human trafficking—the exploitation of men, women, and children in order to gain a profit—is therefore a crime against both humanity and our Creator.

“It’s a form of slavery,” said Samaritan's Purse president Franklin Graham, who recently returned from a trip to Southeast Asia. “And this is happening today in 2015.”

This modern-day slavery has become a global crisis with an estimated 27 million victims. Some are taken by force. Others are deceived by promises of a better life.

By force or coercion, trafficking victims are compelled to work against their will in a wide range of settings including factories, brothels, houses, streets, farms, and fishing boats. Many are abused beyond comprehension.

Samaritan’s Purse is working to prevent the horrors of human trafficking primarily through education and prevention programs in vulnerable communities. We also work with Christian partners to help restore victims.

Through these efforts in Asia and Africa, our staff shares the hope of Christ with those who are suffering. Please join us in praying that God will use our ministry to help bring justice and shine the light of the Gospel.

Samaritan’s Purse works with churches along borders in Southeast Asia and elsewhere to help protect those who are most vulnerable to trafficking and slavery. Your gift will help us to reduce exploitation, provide vocational training, and introduce laborers to the One they can trust.
Human Trafficking/Exploitation Samaritan’s Purse works with churches along borders in Southeast Asia and elsewhere to help protect those who are most vulnerable to trafficking and slavery. Your gift will help us to reduce exploitation, provide vocational training, and introduce laborers to the One they can trust.

Human Trafficking/Exploitation 013964
Suggested Gift: $125

