Inspired by the story of a little orphan girl in Rwanda who was singing “Jesus Loves Me” in French, Ruth Bell Graham came up with the idea of musical lambs that play the beloved tune whenever a child cuddles them. We hand out thousands of these soft lambs in Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts around the world. They are especially cherished by boys and girls who are blind or hospitalized. For $10, we can provide musical lambs for four children.
'Jesus Loves Me' Lambs
Inspired by the story of a little orphan girl in Rwanda who was singing “Jesus Loves Me” in French, Ruth Bell Graham came up with the idea of musical lambs that play the beloved tune whenever a child cuddles them. We hand out thousands of these soft lambs in Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts around the world. They are especially cherished by boys and girls who are blind or hospitalized. For $10, we can provide musical lambs for three children.
Suggested Gift: $10
OCC-Musical Toy Lambs  013548