In places like Egypt, India, and Haiti, Samaritan’sPurse partners with local Christian partners who protect helpless children and rescue them from exploitation. For $75, we can help provide them with a safe place, meet their daily needs, and teach them the Gospel, “in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God” (Acts 26:18).
Children in Crisis
Millions of children living in impoverished, dangerous parts of the world are vulnerable to abuse, neglect, and exploitation. These little ones need food, shelter, and the assurance that they are safe, but they also need to know that they are loved and valued by God. You can help Samaritan's Purse reach children in desperate circumstances, caring for their needs, offering Biblical teaching and counseling, and introducing them to the eternal hope found only in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Suggested Gift: $75
Children in Crisis  013508