Christmas Catalog

Give a Dairy Goat
MADELINE LIVES in an impoverished village in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. She struggled to provide for her children until she received goats from Samaritan’s Purse and training on how to care for them. These animals have now become a tangible source of blessing, as her original three goats have multiplied and have increased the family’s income. They provide a steady source of protein-rich milk, and the growing herd provides a salable resource at the local market. “We thank God the Father. Now we are able to educate our children, eat, and take care of our health needs,” Madeline said. Your $70 gift will provide a goat or other dairy animal for a struggling family like Madeline’s and remind them that “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights” (James 1:17).