Children who complete all 12 lessons receive a certificate at graduation. This official memento of their accomplishment is a treasured keepsake for many.
In addition to receiving a certificate, The Greatest Journey graduates receive a New Testament in their own language. This may be the first copy of the Scriptures they or their family have ever owned.
This colorful 12-lesson resource equips the student to follow along with the story, memorize verses, and do activities in class or as homework.
This in-depth manual helps instructors apply Bible stories to their students’ lives to encourage the boys and girls to re-tell them to others. With the help of this resource, The Greatest Journey teachers are taught to be good storytellers who ask questions of children to keep them engaged. This method allows nonliterate cultures to participate and equips teachers to continue discipleship lessons with their students long after they complete the workbook.
Examples include toothbrushes, combs, washcloths, etc.
a project of Samaritan’s Purse®
It only costs $6 to provide lesson books and a Bible for a boy or girl participating in this discipleship program by Samaritan’s Purse.
It only costs $10 to provide a Bible or Christian literature for a family in need through the Christmas catalog.
This booklet invites children to receive God’s Greatest Gift, His Son, Jesus Christ. It is used in more than 80 languages.
This resource equips local churches with information on how to organize a distribution, share the Gospel, and invite boys and girls to participate in follow-up discipleship.
Examples Include t-shirts (size adult large or smaller), socks, hats, gloves, sunglasses, hairclips, jewelry, watches, flashlights, batteries, plastic storage boxes, etc.
a project of Samaritan’s Purse®
If you have a question about your product or service as a gift-in-kind, please contact us via the form below.
a project of Samaritan’s Purse®
Before being shipped overseas, each gift must be inspected and prepared. Millions of shoeboxes and thousands of volunteers take up a lot of space. You can help us each fall by donating empty warehouse space to be used as a processing center. A facility from 30,000 to 100,000 square feet is needed near Atlanta.
a project of Samaritan’s Purse®
After receiving a shoebox gift, many children have the opportunity to learn more about the Gospel through our Biblical discipleship program, The Greatest Journey. You can donate printing for leaders’ guides, lesson books, or New Testaments.
a project of Samaritan’s Purse®
It only costs $6 to provide lesson books and a Bible for a boy or girl participating in the Samaritan’s Purse discipleship program. Learn more →
provides one shoebox recipient with a 12-lesson Bible study, a graduation certificate, a New Testament in his or her language, and the guidance of a trained teacher/mentor in the community.
Only giving online through Follow Your Box will enable you to discover the destination of your shoebox gift.
Attach a Follow-Your-Box tracking label to your shoebox, and you can use our Lookup Tool to find out the country where your box will be delivered with the message of Christ’s love.
Your $9 per gift donation is critical in helping with shoebox processing, shipping, and gospel materials. Learn more →
A step-by-step suggested presentation of the Gospel appears in the Ministry Partner Guide along with a series of two-panel posters that illustrate the text. This guide fosters consistency in how the Good News is presented during Operation Christmas Child outreach events.
Este recurso a color de 12 lecciones permite al estudiante a seguir la historia, memorizar versículos, y hacer actividades en clase o como tarea en casa.
Completo con ilustraciones a color, este folleto de historias del Evangelio presenta a Cristo a niños y niñas y los invita a seguirlo. ¡Algunos niños consideran esta pieza de su caja de regalo como su favorita!
En la Guía de Compañeros de Ministerio aparece una presentación del Evangelio paso a paso, junto con una serie de posters de dos paneles que ilustran el texto. Esta guía promueve consistencia en cómo presentar las Buenas Nuevas durante los eventos de evangelismo de Operation Christmas Child.
Este manual detallado ayuda a los instructores a aplicar historias Bíblicas en las vidas de sus estudiantes para animar a los niños y niñas a volverlas a contar a otros. Con la ayuda de este recurso, se enseñan a los maestros de La Gran Aventura a ser buenos contadores de historias que hacen preguntas a los niños para mantenerlos atentos. Este método permite a las culturas analfabetas a participar y capacita a los maestros a continuar las lecciones de discipulado con sus estudiantes mucho después de que ellos hayan completado el libro de trabajo.
Los niños que completan las 12 lecciones reciben un certificado en la graduación. Este momento oficial de su logro es un recuerdo preciado para muchos.
Este folleto invita a los niños a recibir el Mejor Regalo de parte de Dios—Su Hijo Jesucristo. Se usa en más de 80 idiomas.
Este recurso capacita a las iglesias locales con información de cómo organizar una distribución, compartir el Evangelio e invitar a niños y niñas a participar en el discipulado de seguimiento.
Además de recibir un certificado, los graduados de La Gran Aventura reciben un Nuevo Testamento en su propio idioma. Esta puede ser la primera copia de las Escrituras que ellos o sus familias han tenido.
Complete with colorful illustrations, this Gospel story booklet introduces boys and girls to Christ and invites them to follow Him. Some children find this piece to be their favorite part of their shoebox gift!
Una donación de $6 dólares provee a un niño la oportunidad de participar en el programa de discipulado de Samaritan´s Purse, cubriendo el costo del libro del estudiante y una Biblia. Más información →
Únicamente al realizar tu donación en línea a través de Follow Your Box, podrás descubrir el destino de tu caja de regalos.
Agrega una etiqueta Follow Your Box a tu caja de regalos y podrás utilizar el Buscador para conocer el país al que esta llegará con el mensaje del amor de Cristo.
Tu donativo de $9 nos ayuda a cubrir los costos de procesamiento de las cajas, envío y los materiales de evangelismo. Conoce más →
Equipment can be given outright, loaned to us for a short time, or donated as a rental.
a project of Samaritan’s Purse®
Examples include pens, pencils and sharpeners, erasers, crayons, markers, notebooks, paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc.
a project of Samaritan’s Purse®
Examples include stuffed animals, dolls, small cars, balls, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, toys that light up or make noise, etc.
a project of Samaritan’s Purse®
Examples include metalworking, woodworking, knitting/sewing, leather, beading, children’s craft projects, etc.
a project of Samaritan’s Purse®
In the U.S. alone, millions of shoebox gifts are collected at thousands of drop-off sites in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. We are looking for companies interested in donating or discounting transportation on a state or national level.
a project of Samaritan’s Purse®
Your gift of print, radio, television, or online advertising or airtime can have a tremendous impact by inspiring more individuals to pack shoebox gifts.
a project of Samaritan’s Purse®
Gifts such as tickets to events or attractions can provide exciting incentives that can be used during Operation Christmas Child special promotions or contests.
a project of Samaritan’s Purse®