“Go and do likewise.”

With these words, Jesus commanded His hearers to help those in need wherever they found them, just like the Good Samaritan did when he rescued a hurting man whom others had passed by (Luke 10:30–37).

“God has called us to go into the world to care for those that are suffering. It's just what we do. We run to the fire. We don't run away from it.”

Franklin Graham

Since 1970, Samaritan's Purse has helped meet the needs of people who have been thrown into the ditches of life—victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, famine, and persecution. Wherever we serve, our goal is the same: to relieve suffering and share the eternal hope found only in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Catastrophic events—wars, earthquakes, storms, epidemic diseases—can strike anytime, anywhere. And they don’t discriminate. Anyone, from presidents to paupers, can be affected. When crises occur around the world, Samaritan’s Purse quickly mobilizes and deploys Disaster Assistance Response Teams to deliver food, water, medical care, and other life-saving relief in Jesus’ Name.

When COVID-19 overwhelmed the world, we raised Emergency Field Hospitals in Italy, the Bahamas, New York City, and other parts of the U.S. to care for the sick and dying. We have also deployed field hospitals to areas hit hard during other health crises, including Ebola, diphtheria, and cholera.

We've also set up field hospitals after natural disasters and in conflict zones, including in Iraq and Ukraine. Since 2022, we have been distributing enormous amounts of food in Ukraine, as well as providing clean water, medical training, wood-burning stoves, solar lights, and shelter materials.

“We are really grateful. Thank you! We feel that you pray for us. We feel it in our hearts. It’s a really big support, knowing we are not alone.”

a couple in Ukraine,after receiving some urgent-care items at one of our partner churches in Lviv

The North American Ministries arm of Samaritan’s Purse responds readily when hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, wildfires, or ice storms strike, serving as the hands and feet of Jesus. We assemble an army of volunteers and work alongside of them to help devastated homeowners recover from the disaster and rebuild their lives. We tarp roofs, cut up downed trees, remove debris, and sift through ashes to retrieve personal belongings. We also reconstruct homes damaged during storms as well as rebuild homes from the ground up.

Volunteers serve in Jesus’ Name in the wake of catastrophic disasters.

More importantly, we share the Good News of the Gospel with them, letting them know that God loves them and hasn’t forgotten them. After our work on their home is complete, we present the homeowner with a Billy Graham Study Bible that is signed by every volunteer who worked on their property. A staff member or a volunteer then leads in a special time of prayer and encouragement.

“God said there would be joy in the morning. It’s here, through Samaritan’s Purse. Nothing is impossible with God.”

Michael Register,who received a new home through the Samaritan’s Purse Hurricane Florence rebuild project in Whiteville, North Carolina.

Operation Christmas Child works with pastors and church leaders around the world to host festive outreach events where children in need receive gift-filled shoeboxes packed with fun toys, hygiene items, and school supplies. The boys and girls also hear a child-friendly Gospel presentation and are given the opportunity to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Every Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift is an opportunity to demonstrate God’s love and to share the Gospel.

Since 1993, Samaritan’s Purse has delivered gift-filled shoeboxes to over 200 million children in more than 170 countries and territories.

“Every shoebox represents an opportunity to reach one more child with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Franklin GrahamPresident, Samaritan's Purse

The Greatest Journey

After receiving shoebox gifts, children are invited to participate in The Greatest Journey, a 12-lesson discipleship course where they learn how to follow Christ and share Him with others. As they do, entire families and communities are transformed by the power of the Gospel, and new churches are started.

Children study the lessons they’ve learned during The Greatest Journey.

More than 35 million children have enrolled in The Greatest Journey since 2009 with more than 15 million boys and girls making decisions for Christ.

“A big thanks to my Greatest Journey teachers and to those who donated the books. The 12 lessons transformed me, my family, and my friends. I promise I will keep on sharing the Gospel as the Bible commands. I want the world to hear about and know Christ.”

a boy in Kenya who shared The Greatest Journey materials with his parents and four siblings.

Operation Heal Our Patriots serves wounded veterans and their spouses and aims to strengthen military marriages while also building up individual relationships with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Couples are flown to Samaritan Lodge Alaska for a week of chaplain-led, Biblically based marriage enrichment training. Coursework and spiritual counseling are integral parts of their week, as are once-in-a-lifetime wilderness experiences in Lake Clark National Park and surrounding areas.

We praise God for the hundreds of individuals who have come to faith in Jesus Christ and been baptized during Operation Heal Our Patriots.

After they return home, the Alaska alumni enter our Family Care program, which is a year-round, lifetime commitment we make to them. Regional chaplains stay in contact with them and help connect them with local Christian congregations that are faithful to God’s Word.

In addition, the couples are invited to Fortify Your Marriage weekends, our annual Operation Heal Our Patriots Reunion, and to join Team Patriot, a program that allows them to serve U.S. homeowners who have been affected by natural disasters.

Since Operation Heal Our Patriots began in 2012, more than 1,540 couples have visited Samaritan Lodge Alaska, with over 670 individuals placing their faith in Jesus Christ. Also, 760 of the couples have publicly renewed their marriage vows.

“We wanted to leave the past here and start over. We can be made new. We can go home and be a new husband and wife and a new mom and dad to our kids.”

Melody Auguston, who attended Operation Heal Our Patriots with her husband, Army Sergeant Shawn Auguston.

Samaritan's Purse provides a wide variety of opportunities for medical professionals to serve around the world in Jesus’ Name.

Our volunteer surgical teams provide excellent, compassionate care in Jesus’ Name.

World Medical Mission places Christian physicians, dentists, and other medical professionals on short-term volunteer service assignments at mission hospitals and clinics in Africa, Asia, Oceania, Latin America, and the Middle East. We also care for the sick through our Post-Residency Program, cataract surgeries, cleft lip and palate surgeries, and surgical subspeciality teams.

“I wasn’t expecting anyone to help me. I would have had cataracts for the rest of my life.”

Ramona, whose sight was restored through our cataract surgical mission in Mexico’s Copper Canyon.

Samaritan’s Purse is working to bring clean water to impoverished communities across the globe that are plagued by drought, disaster, or poverty. We’re digging water ponds, providing household water filters, installing rainwater storage systems, and rehabilitating broken wells.

In South Sudan our teams created water points in a refugee camp for easier access to clean, safe drinking water.

“I never expected the water situation to change. Samaritan’s Purse has done so many things that relieved our burden. The entire community is happy.”

Eunice, who once walked two hours each way to the nearest water source. Samaritan’s Purse teams excavated a water pond in her village in Kenya.

Samaritan’s Purse partners with Hispanic churches near and far to equip Spanish-speaking, Bible-believing congregations to reach their communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Founded in 2021, Hispanic Ministries partners with churches across the U.S. to expand our ministry to the growing number of native Spanish speakers in the country.

Through evangelism summits, discipleship training, and various seminars, Hispanic Ministries mobilizes the local and global Hispanic church to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. Participating churches then become partners with Samaritan’s Purse, opening the door for service opportunities and community evangelism through our various ministries.

Samaritan’s Purse is committed to meeting critical needs anywhere in the world. Following the example of the Good Samaritan, our work helps to save lives, relieve suffering, and share the eternal hope of Jesus Christ. Our ongoing efforts include projects such as:

  • Feeding programs to help nourish famished families back to health.
  • Training and resourcing families to grow food and raise livestock in order to create a sustainable income.
  • Building up local church leaders as they make Christ and His Word known.
Where Most Needed