Nazarene General Hospital
Papua New Guinea
Previously known as Kudjip Nazarene Hospital
Hospital Website
Mission Organization
International Church of the Nazarene
Founded in 1967, Nazarene General Hospital is a 134-bed hospital which provides both inpatient and outpatient care. It is located in the Jiwaka Province of Papua New Guinea (PNG) and functions as both a local primary facility as well as a referral center. The location is rural; the nearest small town is about 15 minutes away, and the nearest significant commercial center is about an hour away. The hospital's purpose is to make Christlike disciples through excellent medical care, both in preventative and curative services. The medical work is carried on because the Church of the Nazarene believes we should do as Jesus did and help those who are sick. Nazarene General Hospital provides medical, surgical, obstetrical, pediatric, emergency, and trauma care to its patients with an occupancy rate of 80 percent. Trauma accounts for about 15 percent of all work at the hospital due to tribal and family violence or accidents. The outpatient department is very busy (with an attendance of around 60,000 yearly) and is a major part of the hospital's work. It is also the access route by which referral patients see physicians at Nazarene. Patients pay outpatient fees that are fairly reasonable in the local economy. Only rarely is the cost of care a barrier to patients seeking care, and fees are deferred when appropriate. The hospital has five wards containing 134 beds – pediatric, surgical, medical, obstetric and tuberculosis. At times the demand for beds exceeds the number of beds available, but we try to avoid such situations because of the difficulty in providing care to those on the floor and the demands it places on the limited nursing staff. There are around 500 admissions per month. Government supplies of medicines are unreliable, making it difficult for our pharmacy to keep sufficient supplies on hand, but we do our best to supplement with containers from the U.S. a few times a year. The hospital does not have a physical therapy department and they are involved in providing clinics for outlying villages with the intent of establishing centers for primary health care. There is also a nursing school on the hospital station. For additional information check out their website at
Fly by commercial airline to Port Moresby; capitol of Papua New Guinea, then connect to a domestic flight to Mt. Hagen; followed by a 45-minute drive to the hospital.
Time Difference
+14 hours Daylight Savings Time (EDT), USA; +15 hours Eastern Standard Time, USA
Nazarene General Hospital is located in the Waghi Valley of the Jiwaka Province of Papua New Guinea. This region is the broadest and most developed of the highlands.
Although there are many languages and dialects in Papua New Guinea, Melanesian Pidgin is the overall trade language in the area. The hospital staff speaks English.
Although the coastal regions of Papua New Guinea are hot and steamy, and we sit only three degrees off the equator, its altitude is approximately 5000 ft. which makes the climate very temperate. Temperatures average 80° F during the day and 55°—65° F at night. We have a rainy and a dry season however, the whole year is relatively wet, with the rainy season being even wetter.
The mission provides individual housing, utilities, and furniture in the form of a house, duplex, or apartment. Single individuals are assigned the smaller living quarters. Electricity is generally dependable, is 220v/50Hz, and plugs are the same as found in Australia. Gas stoves and all basic modern conveniences are available. Washing machines are standard, but dryers are not, and most drying is done on outdoor lines. Toilet paper, linens, and kitchen needs are provided. Internet is slow, but available for purchase based on usage.
Volunteers are responsible for their own food, meals, and shopping. Mt. Hagen has a lovely market which sells fresh vegetables of all kinds, and the stores have most things you would want. The brands, however, are different and more expensive than in the U.S., and ready-made items are not available.