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Crisis & Disaster Response

Venezuelan Walkers Find Christian Welcome High in the Andes

Hundreds and even thousands of Venezuelan migrants cross into Colombia each day, leaving behind chaos and deprivation. They’re hoping to find safety and economic opportunity in their neighbor nation or other countries farther south, such as Ecuador and Peru. But the journey is demanding, dangerous, and filled with uncertainty. Who knows how they’ll handle the…

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Crisis & Disaster Response

Border Clinic Provides Medical Care for Displaced Venezuelans

Dozens of Venezuelan migrants line up at 8 a.m. every Monday to Friday outside the Samaritan’s Purse medical clinic in Maicao, Colombia, located less than eight miles from the Venezuelan border. Another line will form about 1 p.m. for a second round of doctors’ visits. These men, women, and children have fled Venezuela where food…

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Our Ministry

Help Venezuelans in Crisis

Help Venezuelansin Crisis GIVE NOW Help Venezuelans in Crisis - 014041 $ Give Venezuelan Migrants Find Welcome, Hope in Colombia Desperate families are fleeing into Colombia as neighboring Venezuela faces dire food shortages, power blackouts, and a collapsing national healthcare system. Not only are people dying from lack of nutrition and medical care, the rates…

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Crisis & Disaster Response

A Young Girl’s Prayer for Venezuela

Maryelis came to the Samaritan’s Purse mobile medical brigade (clinic) in Puerto Santander, Colombia, suffering from some minor childhood ailments. The doctor saw her and provided her mother Jennifer with the appropriate remedies, including a fever reducer. It was a simple interaction, but for Jennifer and Maryelis [featured in the video above], there is nothing…

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Venezuelan Migrants Find Relief at Center of Hope

UPDATED as of April 26, 2019 Just over the border from Venezuela, in Cucuta, Colombia, hundreds of desperate men, women, and children come to the Center of Hope each week to find physical and spiritual relief. Some of these Venezuelan migrants have moved to Cucuta, some are passing through, and some will travel back to…

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Crisis & Disaster Response

Serving Venezuelan Migrants as They Face the Coronavirus Crisis

Samaritan’s Purse is providing medical care, hot meals, and trafficking prevention education at a migration transition center in Cúcuta, Colombia, for hundreds of Venezuelans deciding to return to their home country. They are returning because they find themselves homeless and jobless in the wake of the COVID-19 health crisis, which has led to the shutdown…

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Crisis & Disaster Response

Franklin Graham Calls for Prayer for Venezuela

Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham held a special call-in prayer conference today to put a spotlight on the crisis in Venezuela. About 3 million Venezuelans have fled the desperate situation in recent years and millions more remain in the country facing dire shortages of food and medicine. Samaritan’s Purse is actively helping to meet the…

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Gift Catalog

Strong Hand of Love

Emergency Food 013562 $ Give Strong Hand of Love Samaritan's Purse is extending desperately needed assistance to Venezuelan migrants in Colombia. Emergency Food 013562 $ Give Hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans who have fled to Colombia in recent years are crying out to God for help. They are like Peter sinking in the waves of the…

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Our Ministry

Ayuda a los Venezolanos en Crisis

Ayuda a los Venezolanosen Crisis DONA AHORA Ayuda a Venezolanos en Crisis - 014041 $ DONA Los Migrantes Venezolanos son Bienvenidos, Esperanza en Colombia Familias desesperadas huyen hacia Colombia ya que los vecindarios cercanos a Venezuela enfrentan grave escasez de alimentos, apagones, y un sistema nacional de salud colapsado. No solo está muriendo la gente…

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Our Ministry

Mid-Year Report

Mid-Year Impact Report July 2021 Thank You COVID-19 U.S. Disaster Relief Tigray Conflict Response Bahamas Global Work Thank You Following the example set by the Good Samaritan, Samaritan's Purse provides help to people who are suffering and living in desperate circumstances. We seek them out in communities torn apart by tornadoes, on difficult migrant trails snaking…

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