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Operation Christmas Child

Spreading Good News and Great Joy in Cambodia

Franklin Graham joined local church leaders in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with boys and girls while delivering gift-filled shoeboxes to them at a recent Operation Christmas Child outreach event in Cambodia’s capital. Eight-year-old Votey received a shoebox, making her one of more than 1 million children in Cambodia to receive such a gift…

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Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

Clean Water Changes Lives in Cambodia

When dry season arrived in Cambodia, Chivy’s* family did not expect to spend nearly a month suffering from a stomach illness. Chivy, 11, and her siblings missed school because they were sick. Her parents were also sick and couldn’t work. The family’s meager savings quickly dried up as they struggled to recover. All of these…

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Women's Programs

A Mother in Cambodia Learns How to Better Care for Her Family

Sreymon was struggling to care for her baby and she didn’t know where to turn for help. In her remote village in Cambodia, she had never had an opportunity to learn certain essentials, such as recognizing the signs of malnutrition or how to practice healthy hygiene. Deeply-embedded cultural superstitions also contributed to Sreymon’s confusion and…

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Animals, Agriculture & Livelihoods

Restoring Families and Futures with New Livelihoods

A Father’s Struggle Considered the poorest family in their village, Chheng and his loved ones were often looked down upon by the community. For Chheng, a husband and father to nine children, the need to provide a stable income was dire, but finding a good job in rural Cambodia seemed impossible. “My family was so…

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Animals, Agriculture & Livelihoods

Livelihoods Training Boosts Income for Farming Family

Den was devastated when a drought ruined the rice fields he had worked so hard to cultivate. Den and his wife, Chreop, had no other way to support their four children, and they were buried under a mountain of debt. Feeling hopeless and desperate, Den and Chreop decided their only option was to migrate from…

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Health & Medical Ministries

Opening the Eyes of the Heart

Sao had witnessed many hardships in his 74 years—war, famine, and poverty—but, through it all, he continued to cherish his beloved wife, Mau, above all else. He loved being able to see her beautiful face. That was until, in recent years, cataracts began to cloud his vision. Sao dreaded the thought of going blind—and never…

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Construction Projects

A New School and Brighter Future

In a remote Cambodian village, nearly 80 elementary-aged students huddle into three overcrowded classrooms. At 9 a.m., the heat creaks in, unbearable as the dry-season sun presses down on the rusted tin roof atop walls of dilapidated timber. Any space not filled with desks and students in the stifling structure is lined with small collections…

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Animals, Agriculture & Livelihoods

The Business of Blessing

For families living in the slums of Cambodia, life is anything but easy. Collecting plastic and growing vegetables in urban ponds are traditional ways that residents have generated limited income. With new construction across the country forcing the poorest people to relocate, even those opportunities are dwindling. As a consequence, rates of domestic violence, gambling,…

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Operation Christmas Child

‘Thank You So Much for Bringing Me to Jesus’

Millions of Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts are packed for boys and girls in need around the world each year, many of which include an email or physical address inviting the child to write back. If you have ever packed one of those boxes and wished you could hear from the child who received it,…

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Animals, Agriculture & Livelihoods

Raising Chickens Draws Struggling Family to Christ

The van was hot, stuffy, and crowded. It wasn’t ideal, but this seven-hour trek across the border from Cambodia into a neighboring country seemed like the last option for Vanny and her husband. They were clinging to the promise of a well-paying job that would make a better life possible. The couple had tried earning…

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