When Isatu’s husband died from Ebola back in 2016, she was left alone to raise her children and manage a household. Her story is not uncommon in Liberia where the ravages of war and a deadly virus have left families without fathers or mothers—or both. Often families also lack money to handle everyday expenses. This…
Cleft Lip & Palate Surgical Teams
Cataract Patients Receive New Sight in Liberia
Diana, 55, noticed her failing sight most especially when she was crocheting hats and shirts. She enjoyed using this skill to make clothing, which she’d sold for years to support her children. But the shadows across her eyes had made the detailed work grow more and more difficult. So, when she answered the phone a…
Reaping a Harvest in Liberia
Watta harvested more than 10,000 cucumber and bitterball crops this year in Liberia’s Lofa region. While those are impressive totals, she has even higher hopes for the pepper and corn crops that she’ll harvest in a few weeks. She’s learning how to farm better thanks to the Samaritan’s Purse RECAL program. The previously unfruitful soil…
Water Leads to New Life in Liberia
Sylvester smiles at the overflowing bucket of clean drinking water that he just filled from the newest well in River Gee County, Liberia. Constructed at Nyantujah Elementary School, where his own children attend, the fresh water will change the lives of the students and the community. “I feel happy because the children at this school…
Restoring Sight in Liberia
Eleven-month-old Jerrylyn was abandoned as an infant and found covered by ants in a Monrovia dumpster. “Her eyes would turn very red and she could not keep from scratching them and crying,” Jerrylyn’s adoptive mother, Vera, shared. “When we would talk to her, she could not see us. She would look around when she heard…
Shoeboxes Open Doors and Hearts for the Gospel in Liberia
For nearly 25 years a road divided the two sides of Nyiela, a community in western Liberia that had separated itself into Muslim and Christian parts of town. The sides didn’t talk much and they didn’t cross over, not even for clean water or medical care—not even during the Ebola crisis. Tribal conflicts added to…
God Brings Peace to a Troubled Family in Liberia
Patrick’s relationship with his younger brother, Moses, became tense in the throes of a domestic dispute. Moses accused Patrick of destroying his marriage and family, and rumors spread. The brothers’ five-year-long conflict divided their entire community of Tienpo Warliken in Liberia as friends and family took sides. As Patrick desperately tried to protect his reputation,…
Urban Agriculture Opens Hearts in Liberia
Korpo leans into her work, pulling stubborn weeds while examining, and even doting on, the green beginnings of a bitterball crop—a variety of eggplant that grows and sells well in West Africa. For now the young growth looks a little like a miniature watermelon, but in several weeks Korpo will be celebrating dozens of the…