Located in southern Africa, Eswatini is one of the world’s remaining absolute monarchies. Formerly Swaziland, the nation is known today as an exporter of sugar. Samaritan’s Purse began delivering Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts to children in this nation in 1999. Later in 2011, we started offering The Greatest Journey, our follow-up discipleship program designed…
Located in South America, Chile is the world’s longest country with nearly 4,000 miles of coastline stretching from north to south. Samaritan’s Purse began delivering Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts to children here in 2003, and we have also offered The Greatest Journey, our follow-up discipleship program for shoebox recipients, in Chile since 2009. Read…
Mongolia is located in northern Asia between Russia and China. Its pasturelands make livestock herding a common occupation. A traditional Mongolian dwelling is called a ger (yurt), a circular tent-like structure made of wood and canvas. Samaritan’s Purse began distributing gift-filled shoeboxes there in 1996 and launched The Greatest Journey, our follow-up discipleship program, in…
Madagascar is an island nation located in the Indian Ocean off the coast of East Africa. It is known for its lemurs, baobab trees, vanilla, and pepper. Samaritan’s Purse began delivering Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts to children here in 1993. Since 2010, we have also offered these shoebox recipients our follow-up discipleship program, The…
Paraguay is located in South America. The indigenous language is called Guaraní, which is also the name of its currency. Paraguay is derived from the Guaraní word that means “river that gives birth to the sea.” There are several rivers in the country that connect to the Atlantic Ocean. Samaritan’s Purse began distributing gift-filled shoeboxes…
Bordering the southwestern United States, Mexico is known for its tacos, avocados, and chocolate. More important than these signature items, however, are the millions of children who reside here. Samaritan’s Purse began distributing gift-filled shoeboxes to them in 1995 and launched The Greatest Journey, our follow-up discipleship program, in this nation in 2010. Learn More…
the Pacific Islands
Many people think of the Pacific Islands as paradise, populated with luxurious hotels located oceanfront on pristine white sandy beaches. And some are. But hundreds more are home to people who struggle daily just to survive, including over half a million children. Starting in 2019, Samaritan’s Purse began distributing gift-filled shoeboxes to children who live…