Year-End Giving 2021
Greenhouses Help Families Expand Crops, Grow Seeds of Faith
Felix and his wife, Sofia, were used to scraping together a living for their three children from the mountainous fields of Palca, Bolivia, despite harsh rainy seasons and frigid temperatures. The precarious conditions meant experiencing several lean months trying to make ends meet between harvests. When a Samaritan’s Purse agriculture project in the area gave…
Disaster Relief Landing Page
Seeing God at Work in 2022
A New School and Brighter Future
In a remote Cambodian village, nearly 80 elementary-aged students huddle into three overcrowded classrooms. At 9 a.m., the heat creaks in, unbearable as the dry-season sun presses down on the rusted tin roof atop walls of dilapidated timber. Any space not filled with desks and students in the stifling structure is lined with small collections…
Come and See
Early in the morning, Emmanuel arrived with his toddler daughter Deborah at our clinic in Monrovia. He explained the challenges and joys of the last three years of his little girl’s life. From her very first weeks, it was obvious that young Deborah’s curiosity and intelligence drove her to explore her surroundings and everything she…
Celebrating 50 Million Children Discipled
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14). Children are precious to God. The Bible tells us that “children are a gift of the LORD” (Psalm 127:3) and that we are responsible to train them up “in the way [they] should…
Year-End Giving 2023
Cataract Patients Receive New Sight in Liberia
Diana, 55, noticed her failing sight most especially when she was crocheting hats and shirts. She enjoyed using this skill to make clothing, which she’d sold for years to support her children. But the shadows across her eyes had made the detailed work grow more and more difficult. So, when she answered the phone a…