A Young Mother Becomes a Leader

October 10, 2017 • Myanmar
Women learn about the Good Samaritan during their group leader training.
Beth Spiby served as a Samaritan’s Purse intern in Myanmar.

Samaritan’s Purse is equipping mothers from villages across Tada-U Township in Myanmar to lead monthly mother-to-mother groups. Through our training, these groups provide a forum to discuss good maternal and child health practices, such as nutrition. These groups are helping to address the high rates of malnutrition and diarrhea among children under age 5 in the township.

At 22 years old, Hnin Cho Aung* is one of the youngest group leaders. Her passion to be the best mother possible to her 2-year-old daughter, and her desire to see every child in her community cared for in the best way possible, pushes her to step beyond her fears.

Myanmar mother-to-mother groups

Mothers meet regularly to discuss healthy hygiene and nutrition habits.

Hnin Cho Aung met her husband while he was visiting a friend in her village. They fell in love and were married in 2014. Hnin Cho Aung moved many miles away from her home to live in her husband’s village.

When she became a mother, Hnin Cho Aung was sad that she lived so far away from her own mother. Without her family around, and with her devoted husband working long hours to provide for the family, Hnin Cho Aung felt she was alone in raising her child.

Mother-to-mother groups help Hnin Cho Aung and other mothers feel supported and loved. These groups also equip women with life-changing maternal and child health knowledge. For example, Hnin Cho Aung has learned that it’s important for women to get plenty of rest during their pregnancy and to have regular medical check-ups. She wants to encourage expectant mothers to adjust their lifestyle so that they are healthier and increase the likelihood of delivering a healthy baby.

Hnin Cho Aung told me that her favorite part of the leader mother training was learning the story of the Good Samaritan. The story affirmed her desire to help her community in the same way that the Good Samaritan helped the injured man.

Please pray for Hnin Cho Aung as she steps out to serve and educate mothers in her community.

*Names have been changed for security.

Prenatal & Maternity Care Tragically, hundreds of young mothers and thousands of newborns die every day from preventable causes. Your gift can help Samaritan’s Purse reduce the mortality rates of women and their young children by improving obstetric care, teaching essential nutrition practices, and increasing access to quality healthcare.

Prenatal & Maternity Care 013717
Suggested $75

