Discipleship Encourages Gospel Outreach in South Sudan

July 9, 2021 • South Sudan
Samaritan's Purse staff helped to train and equip these women to share their faith throughout nearby villages.
Samaritan's Purse staff helped to train and equip these women in South Sudan to share their faith throughout nearby villages.

After many years of suffering, a woman experiences joy in Jesus Christ.

South Sudan Relief

At age 69, Aguek has already outlived all of her children. Her oldest died during war, three children died of the measles, one drowned in a nearby river, a son died of a snakebite, and a daughter lost her battle with pneumonia.

Aguek’s husband left her years ago. She suddenly developed paralysis on the right side of her body. Aguek had long been convinced that the gods she worshipped were angry with her and had placed a curse on her.

Aguek was convinced a curse had been placed on her.

Aguek eventually began drinking and begging in the local market. She felt hopeless. “There was no one who cared about me,” she said. “I found that life was useless. I was wishing to die from this suffering.”

Receiving God’s Love

A group of women in a nearby village recently reached out to Aguek. The women had participated in the Samaritan’s Purse Church-based Discipleship Initiative program that helps Christians learn how to identify and respond to needs in their communities without waiting for outside help.

Aguek, left, is now a believer in Jesus Christ.

Aguek, left, is now a believer in Jesus Christ.

The women shared with Aguek about God’s love for her and the hope of eternal salvation found only in Jesus Christ. But after all the trials and pain she had endured, Aguek wondered if Jesus could really change her life. The message of the Gospel seemed too good to be true.

The women from the nearby church didn’t give up. They continued visiting Aguek, encouraging her and sharing with her from the Bible. They also gifted her with two goats.

Aguek began to understand that these women truly cared about her. The compassion demonstrated by these faithful witnesses made an eternal difference as Aguek decided to trust in Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior.

“A change occurred in my life and it gave me hope again and opened my eyes to see the Lord and to know Him in my life,” Aguek said. “Now, I have been freed from the evil thoughts and evil deeds of the past.”

“A change occurred in my life and opened my eyes to see the Lord.”

Aguek has been healed of her paralysis. She attends church and participates in evangelistic outreaches with the women, sharing her story of how Jesus saved her and made her a new creation.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Stand with South Sudan Samaritan's Purse
South Sudan Relief Samaritan’s Purse is providing emergency food and clean water for people in South Sudan who have been internally displaced by an ongoing conflict within the country, and we continue to provide emergency aid to refugees who have fled violence in the Nuba Mountains and other parts of Sudan. Additional projects include drilling wells to provide clean water, distributing food to fight hunger and malnutrition, providing medical care for the sick and suffering, and working through the local church to build up communities through education and biblical literacy.

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