Emergency Field Hospital Open in Ukraine

March 14, 2022 • Ukraine
The Emergency Field Hospital is open and receiving patients.

Our medical teams are caring for patients in desperate need as the war rages on.

Responding to the Crisis in Ukraine

The Samaritan’s Purse Emergency Field Hospital is open in western Ukraine, and our medical team is already treating patients suffering due to the escalating conflict.

“We come in the Name of Jesus Christ, and we hope this hospital is a blessing to you,” Elliott Tenpenny told those gathered at the hospital today, March 14. Tenpenny serves as director of the Samaritan’s Purse International Health Unit.

Marina shares a hug with Jonie, one of our nurses. Her daughter, far left, came with her to the hospital.

Marina shares a hug with Jonie, one of our nurses. Her daughter, far left, came with her to the hospital.

Maxim Kozitsky, governor of Lviv, also spoke and described the terrible situation in his country as like a movie he hopes will be over soon. “We thank Samaritan’s Purse for coming here to help us,” he said.

Samaritan’s Purse has seen several orthopedic patients at the hospital already, including Marina, our very first patient. She fell and injured her arm while escaping into a bomb shelter in her home city of Malyn, west of Kyiv, and suffered for nine days before arriving at our facility. She cried tears of relief when a doctor told her that the team could fix her injury and help relieve her pain.

Our 58-bed hospital on the outskirts of Lviv includes an emergency room, Intensive Care Unit, and two operating rooms—providing Samaritan’s Purse medical staff with the capacity to perform up to dozens of surgeries per day.

The Emergency Field Hospital was airlifted via three flights to Poland and then transported across the border to Ukraine.

In addition to the hospital, we are also operating a 24-hour medical clinic at a train station in Lviv where thousands of women and children are transiting through each day.

Samaritan’s Purse has about 140 disaster relief specialists on the ground between Ukraine, Poland, Romania, and Moldova. Please pray for our team as they share God’s love with people who are hurting and need the eternal hope of Christ.

The Emergency Field Hospital is open and receiving patients.

The Emergency Field Hospital is open and receiving patients. Marina, our first patient (in pink), was relieved we could help her with an injury she sustained while seeking shelter in a city west of Kyiv.

Olena and her children huddle in their cellar next to a stove provided by Samaritan's Purse.
Responding to the Crisis in Ukraine Samaritan's Purse is providing food, water, and non-food items, such as wood stoves, solar lights, and construction materials, to suffering families in Ukraine. In partnership with local churches and ministry partners, we are bringing this urgently needed relief to those in areas deeply affected by the conflict. We are also airlifting medical supplies into the country and providing medical training as fighting rages on. Since the start of the war, we have operated two field hospitals and other medical clinics.

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