Franklin Graham Meets with Samaritan’s Purse Team in Ukraine

March 28, 2022 • Ukraine

Work continues as fighting rages in Eastern Europe.

Responding to the Crisis in Ukraine

Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse, traveled to Ukraine this past weekend to meet with our teams who have been at work there since the early stages of the conflict.

Samaritan’s Purse has around 170 staff members on the ground in the region, including doctors, nurses, lab techs, logisticians, and many others. Inside Ukraine, we are operating our Emergency Field Hospital on the outskirts of Lviv as well as three additional medical points. These three outpatient facilities are: a 24-hour clinic at the train station in Lviv, another clinic at a bus station in Lviv, and an emergency clinic in southwestern Ukraine. Combined, we are seeing well more than 100 patients each day.

In Ukraine and in Moldova, we are also helping to provide food and other relief items, such as hygiene kits and blankets, to people in need.

Chaplains serving through the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association are ministering alongside the Samaritan’s Purse team.

Close to 4 million Ukrainian refugees have arrived in neighboring countries since the conflict began. And, “untold millions are displaced inside their country in what is one of the largest humanitarian crises of our time,” Franklin Graham said via Facebook. “Pray for those who are suffering and have lost so much.”

Please also pray for strength and protection for all members of our Disaster Assistance Response Team serving in Ukraine, Poland, and Moldova.

Olena and her children huddle in their cellar next to a stove provided by Samaritan's Purse.
Responding to the Crisis in Ukraine Samaritan's Purse is providing food, water, and non-food items, such as wood stoves, solar lights, and construction materials, to suffering families in Ukraine. In partnership with local churches and ministry partners, we are bringing this urgently needed relief to those in areas deeply affected by the conflict. We are also airlifting medical supplies into the country and providing medical training as fighting rages on. Since the start of the war, we have operated two field hospitals and other medical clinics.

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