God Continues to Work as Samaritan’s Purse Completes 66 Churches in Niger

January 7, 2020 • Niger
A pastor and his congregation celebrate their new building--one of 66 new church structures constructed by Samaritan's Purse.
A pastor and his congregation celebrate their new building--one of 66 new church structures constructed by Samaritan's Purse.

As the Samaritan’s Purse RECON program comes to an end in Niger, fruit continues to grow through evangelism, discipleship, and vibrant ministry opportunities.

Five years ago, dozens of church buildings in Niger were burned to the ground by mobs of angry young men. These groups within Niger’s Muslim community torched the structures and burned books, hymnals, pews, and other valuables in large piles by the road. But what was meant for evil, God has meant for good.

Members of Alheri Church (translated as “The Grace of God” Church) in Badaguishiri gather outside their new building, one of the latest RECON projects completed in Niger.

Members of Alheri Church (translated as “The Grace of God” Church) in Badaguishiri gather outside their new building, one of the latest RECON projects completed in Niger.

Since those fearful few days in January 2015, God has worked mightily through Samaritan’s Purse and local church leaders to restore and rebuild. In total we’ve built 66 places of worship in areas surrounding the capital, Niamey, and in other locations. These structures serve to remind the people of Niger that God is still at work in their country. The new buildings have also become hubs for ministry, evangelism, and discipleship.

Yahaya Anaroua, a member of Alheri Church (translated as “The Grace of God” Church) in Badaguishiri, said he’s excited to have a new church building in his town. Where worshippers used to meet in homes and had to travel long distances for special gatherings, now churchgoers are able to gather locally and invite unbelieving friends.

Providing a well-built house of worship for the only evangelical congregation in that region offers an inviting place for people to come hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed. It’s also a space where leaders like Yahaya can be trained to reach others for Christ.

“The love and grace of God was shown to us from the beginning stages of construction, all the way to the completion,” said Yahaya. “Families are kneeling and praying each morning in the church, and God is opening doors for evangelism.”

A Good Work Continues to Grow

The congregation prays that the new 45-seat sanctuary will help them reach their region with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Through the new buildings provided through Samaritan's Purse and local church leaders, congregations are seeing the fruit of evangelism and discipleship.

Through the new buildings provided through Samaritan’s Purse and local church leaders, congregations are seeing the fruit of evangelism and discipleship.

Vocationally, Yahaya works as a nurse and his wife Zephorah is a midwife. As lay leaders in the church and as community leaders, they have been integral to the growth of their small congregation.

“The faith of my community will be strengthened. My favorite verse that reminds me that this work is by the grace of God is Philippians 1:6, which reads, “’I am convinced that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.’”

As the RECON (Rebuilding Churches of Niger) program comes to a close in Niger, the fruit from the last few years can be seen in the passion of people like Yahaya and Zephora. The power of God at work in His people continues to transform communities in the predominantly-Muslim country of Niger.

“Now, through Samaritan’s Purse, we have an even more comfortable building than we did before. Now my people can see that God is coming to help His people in their distress,” said Hassane Hamadou, pastor of Emanuel Baptist Church in Goudel, Niger. “This strengthens our faith—even if they burn this church, we know that God has something better.”

“People can see that God is coming to help His people in their distress.”

Please pray for churches and church leaders throughout Niger as they seek to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ known to predominantly Muslim communities. Also pray that God would continue to use these dozens of rebuilt churches to strengthen believers and embolden them as they seek to live for Jesus.

