Gospel Opportunity Seized in Gatlinburg

January 11, 2017 • United States
Gatlinburg, Tennessee, wildfire relief
Samaritan's Purse volunteers, Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplains, and homeowners pray together at a burned house site.

Volunteers shared the love of Christ on the final day of deployment, and a mother and son gave their hearts to Jesus.

When a disaster relief deployment is coming to a close, it can be easy to become caught up in the myriad of final details of breaking camp.

Gatlinburg, Tennessee, wildfire relief

A volunteer finds a cross while sifting through ashes.

But our team in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, didn’t miss out on a chance to minister one more time in Jesus’ Name during the deployment’s final day. As we were packing the trucks last Wednesday, a woman came to our tent at First Baptist Church. Her son brought her, and she was distraught. Two of our team members patiently listened to her as she unpacked the litany of problems in her life. They worked to find local help for her, but they also sensed an opening to share with her and her son the glorious Good News of God’s unending love. Both gave their hearts to Jesus. Praise Him for a joyous closing!
“This was a great deployment with good numbers of volunteers, and God was honored,” said Bruce Poss, program manager for Samaritan’s Purse. “They loved on homeowners and showed them the love of Christ. And God blessed.”
Samaritan’s Purse had teams out serving Sevier County from December 5, 2016, to January 4, 2017. Six hundred thirty volunteers served more than 9,700 hours to come alongside homeowners devastated by the deadly wildfires that decimated this resort city. We completed 122 work orders and rejoice that 22 individuals were saved by God’s grace.
Please continue to keep Gatlinburg area residents in your prayers.

