Mariya’s Story: She Couldn’t Live Without God

May 5, 2023 • Ukraine
Marina speaks about what the Lord has done in her life.

Food distributions in Ukraine lead one woman to give her life to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Responding to the Crisis in Ukraine

Samaritan’s Purse food distributions in Ukraine are accomplishing so much more than simply providing nutritious food that is in short supply. More than 161 million pounds of groceries have been given out so far, and Mariya, for one, has given her life to the Lord as a result.

When the war left her with no job and no money, Mariya initially volunteered to help with whatever was needed at the distributions. She daily rubbed shoulders with believers and soon discovered that she wanted what they had.

“I repented and realized I couldn’t live without God,” Mariya said. “I decided to devote my life to Jesus.”


Mariya now has a new focus as she seeks to distribute food to people who come to churches for assistance. “We carry His words and knowledge to the people who come to us for help,” she said. “Preaching God’s Word is our main task. Food is just a bonus.”

Please pray for the conflict in Ukraine to end quickly and for God to strengthen believers like Mariya who continue to serve Him faithfully during these difficult times.

Olena and her children huddle in their cellar next to a stove provided by Samaritan's Purse.
Responding to the Crisis in Ukraine Samaritan's Purse is providing food, water, and non-food items, such as wood stoves, solar lights, and construction materials, to suffering families in Ukraine. In partnership with local churches and ministry partners, we are bringing this urgently needed relief to those in areas deeply affected by the conflict. We are also airlifting medical supplies into the country and providing medical training as fighting rages on. Since the start of the war, we have operated two field hospitals and other medical clinics.

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