Volunteers are still hard at work in Florida helping homeowners recover in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian.

Since September, Samaritan’s Purse volunteers have been hard at work helping homeowners after Hurricane Ian.
Now, more than three months later, we still have many teams of volunteers working there in Jesus’ Name, as they help devastated homeowners clean up their properties and share with them the hope found only in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
But more volunteers are urgently needed.
The destruction caused by Hurricane Ian is no longer in the news, but hundreds are still hurting. Many feel abandoned and forgotten. We want these residents to know that God hasn’t forgotten them and that He loves them. Will you prayerfully consider volunteering with us to show Christlike love to those still in need?
VOLUNTEER IN FLORIDA: Englewood | Fort Myers

Please pray and consider volunteering as we continue serving Florida homeowners in Jesus’ Name.
Laura and Shirley are two homeowners we recently helped.
“Without Samaritan’s Purse, I have no idea what I would have done,” Laura said. “I’m sure [the work the volunteers are doing] is helping a lot of people realize how good God is and is spreading the Gospel.”
Shirley agreed.
“Thank God for Samaritans,” she said. “How do you explain the support I’m getting from you guys? I just can’t explain it. It makes me feel so much better.”
To discover more of Laura and Shirley’s stories, view the video above.
Please pray for those in Florida who have lost so much, and for our teams as they continue to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus. For volunteer opportunities, visit SPVOLUNTEER.ORG.

Many more volunteers are needed in the area to help homeowners clear trees and debris and tarp damaged roofs.