Our DC-8 aircraft is flying to Chad with 27 tons of relief to aid refugees who've crossed the border from Sudan.
Our DC-8 aircraft left North Carolina on July 26 headed to Chad’s capital, N’Djamena, with urgently needed relief for those who’ve fled fighting in neighboring Sudan. Once our plane lands and is unloaded, transport trucks will then carry the emergency supplies to refugee camps along the country’s rugged, eastern edge.
The relief includes nearly 900 rolls of shelter plastic; more than 5,000 solar lamps; tents; emergency food; and medical supplies and medications.

Children are among the most vulnerable people in the ongoing crisis driving Sudanese families over the border into Chad.
More than 230,000 Sudanese have entered Chad in recent months and as many as a 1,000 continue to filter in every day.
Since internal conflict began in Sudan on April 15, Samaritan’s Purse field personnel have worked in the Sudanese city of Port Sudan and in other locations to provide fleeing families with the essentials of food, water, and shelter. We’ve also distributed hygiene kits, mosquito netting, and medical supplies and medication.
“Since fighting broke out 100 days ago, Samaritan’s Purse has been positioned to provide physical aid to these hurting families,” said David Philips, deputy director of international projects. “Samaritan’s Purse has been a faithful friend to the people of Sudan for many years. Over the years we have provided humanitarian assistance to the region. We want to meet their immediate needs and we want people to know they’re not forgotten. God has not forgotten about them.”
Please continue to pray for the people of Sudan, for peace in the region, and for those displaced in Chad. Pray also for our teams as they work to help these people in Jesus’ Name.