Saying Yes to Medical Missions

September 19, 2023 • Zambia

Watch a video on Dr. Jim Foulkes and his calling to missionary medicine in Zambia.

Dr. Jim Foulkes answered God’s call to medical missions in 1958. For 38 years, the general surgeon ministered to the physical and spiritual needs of patients at Mukinge Mission Hospital in Kasempa, Zambia. He worked alongside World Medical Mission volunteer doctors and is credited with initiating the vision for what later became the Post-Residency Program. Now 96, Dr. Foulkes continues to support the work of World Medical Mission as a committee member.

Please watch the encouraging video above to get a glimpse of his life.

To learn more or to apply to serve, please go to our World Medical Mission hub page. You can also find out more about our Post-Residency Program here.

Please pray for the work of mission hospitals around the world.

  • Dr. Jim Foulkes and his wife Martha, a nurse, served the Lord in Zambia for 38 years.
    Dr. Jim Foulkes and his wife Martha, a nurse, served the Lord in Zambia for 38 years.
A Medical Missionary in Haiti
World Medical Mission World Medical Mission was established in 1977 to assist general surgeons who wanted to volunteer for short-term mission trips. Today, hundreds of volunteer Christian physicians, dentists, and other medical personnel work in mission hospitals and clinics around the world. We also staff a biomedical department and warehouse that provides critically needed equipment and supplies to these medical facilities.

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