Navy Corpsman Ben Hebert and his wife, Heidi, nearly called it quits. They trace the source of their troubles back to 2009 when Ben watched helplessly as a fellow Marine was killed in an ambush while on patrol in Afghanistan.

Ben and Heidi Hebert trusted Christ as Lord and Savior at last year’s reunion and are now eager to help other couples discover the hope of the Gospel.
That traumatic event changed him. Ben was plagued by sleeplessness at night and a short fuse during the day. They weren’t sure where to turn, but they knew something important was missing from their lives.
In 2013, Ben and Heidi came to Alaska. They spent time in the majesty of the Alaskan wilderness and, like every couple who takes part in Operation Heal Our Patriots, they heard the Gospel. At week’s end, when the pair left for home, they were happier and more settled, but they weren’t ready to fully accept their need for Christ.
Change is lifelong, and this is why Alaska is just the beginning of our Operation Heal Our Patriots program. The Lord does a miraculous work during the week at Samaritan Lodge Alaska, but for some couples—like Ben and Heidi—the seeds that are planted there are not harvested for months or even years.
“He brought us through the wilderness. And part of it was so we could walk with others through their own wilderness. We’re here now, we came out on the other side, and we can tell others about what He’s done.”
The couple attended the 2014 annual Reunion, where they once again heard the Gospel message. “The pull was so strong,” Ben said, describing how God spoke to their hearts. They both made the decision to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Immediately after the reunion Samaritan’s Purse chaplains began offering their support to these new believers. “We were driving from the airport and excited but not sure where to start,” Ben recalled. “Heidi texted the chaplain, and he told us to read the Gospel of John.”
Seven years later, their hunger for God’s Word is deeper than ever, and they are eagerly telling others about Jesus. But the journey has not always been an easy one.
“The truth is, even since Alaska—since receiving Christ in our lives—it’s been a journey and not an easy one,” Heidi said. “And I can tell you, we wouldn’t still be married today if we didn’t have Jesus and this ongoing support.”
But those valleys have enriched the vision for what God has called them to do with the rest of their lives. Part of that calling has been to serve in their local church and also as Key Leaders with Operation Heal Our Patriots.
Key Leaders are couples who are pursuing God’s calling to build purposeful relationships with other Operation Heal Our Patriots alumni in their area. We equip them with Bible-based training and ongoing mentoring as they provide Gospel-centered encouragement and support for other veterans, their spouses, and families.
“He brought us through the wilderness,” Ben said. “And part of it was so we could walk with others through their own wilderness. We’re here now, we came out on the other side, and we can tell others about what He’s done.”