Do you feel called by God to bring hope to a hurting world?

The Samaritan’s Purse Global Internship Program is an opportunity for college students and recent graduates to use their skills to impact the world in a tangible way. Whether at our international headquarters in North Carolina or in one of our field offices around the globe, young professionals will learn the intricate working of an international nonprofit and be part of bringing relief and the hope of the Gospel to hurting people. Internships at Samaritan’s Purse open the door for further opportunities at the ministry, including our apprenticeship program and possible full-time employment.

Bethany Jobe

My internship with Samaritan's Purse showed me how meeting physical needs provides an incredible avenue for the Gospel to be shared. I was moved by the wide reach Samaritan's Purse has helping the poor, sick, and suffering in Jesus' Name around the world.

Bethany Jobe

Appalachian State University, Spanish and communications

General intern, Colombia

The Global Internship Program equips young professionals to impact the kingdom of God with their unique gifts. Interns not only play a vital role in the function of the ministry, but also have the opportunity to shine the light of Christ to those around them.

Tatiana Francis

Being an intern with Samaritan’s Purse allowed me to see God working around the world and encouraged me in the importance of sharing the Gospel. This remarkable experience grew me professionally, spiritually, and gave me lasting friendships.

Tatiana Francis

Liberty University, international business

Church and multicultural partnership intern for Operation Christmas Child, Boone

Internships at Samaritan’s Purse prepare individuals for a successful career through hands-on job responsibilities and committed managers. With a wide variety of departments, Samaritan’s Purse has positions for nearly every vocation. Interns work alongside seasoned professionals at the ministry to further develop their talents while also cultivating community with fellow interns.

Matthew Hodgkins

My summer internship confirmed my desire to pursue a career with Samaritan’s Purse, and the apprenticeship program served as a bridge, providing both practical technical skills and essential character-building soft skills that prepared me to succeed.

Matthew Hodgkins

Colorado Christian University, accounting

Field finance intern, Boone

Interns are challenged to stand boldly for the Gospel of Jesus Christ as they work with diligence and efficiency. Interns embody the Good Samaritan found in Scripture by displaying selflessness and a willingness to serve.

Misikir Adnew

The ministry's Gospel-centered mission—coupled with the chance to contribute to global health and provide hope to those in need—drew me in. During my internship, I focused on improving the health data management system within the International Health Unit…I have seen God’s hand at work through it all.

Misikir Adnew

Yale University, M.S. public health

Health officer intern, Boone

The Fall 2025 Internship Application will open on March 1, 2025

Summer 2025 (May-August)

The Summer 2025 Global Internship application is closed and we are no longer accepting applications.

Fall 2025 (August 19 - December 9)

The Fall 2025 Internship Application is now open!

Please attach resume and cover letter to the application. Application closes on June 20th.

Fall 2025 Internship - Apply Now

At Samaritan’s Purse, no single internship is the same.

Here are some projects and departments that previous interns have worked in:


  • Construction projects for internally displaced peoples.
  • WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) projects to provide consistent, clean water to entire communities.
  • Critical aid distribution such as food, water, personal hygiene kits, and more.
  • Livelihood and vocational programs to lift families out of poverty.
  • Support and education for young mothers and their babies.
  • Cleft lip and palate surgeries.


  • North American Ministries
  • International Crisis Response
  • Operation Christmas Child
  • Children’s Heart Project
  • World Medical Mission
  • Human Resources
  • Broadcast
  • Communications
  • Information Technology
  • Security
  • Donor Ministries
  • Quality assurance
  • Food services

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about what this incredible opportunity entails.

When are internships available and when are the deadlines?

The Global Internship Program is divided into three terms:

  • Spring (mid-January – mid-May)
  • Summer (late May – early August)
  • Fall (mid-August – mid-December)

In the summer term, the internship offers opportunities in North Carolina and in international offices around the globe. In the fall and spring terms, only international opportunities are offered. The duration of the summer term is 10 weeks while the spring and fall terms last approximately 16 weeks.

What are the program qualifications?

Current undergraduates, graduate level students, and recent graduates are eligible for the internship program.

What does the application and selection process look like?

The campus relations team individually reviews each application and will communicate to each candidate regardless of hiring decisions. After initial review, the campus relations team will select top candidates to continue the process with a one-way video interview, a phone interview, and then a reference process. Top candidates will be recommended to department hiring managers and/or senior management team in each country office, who will then conduct further interviews to make their final selection.

What types of academic backgrounds are being considered?

Candidates with backgrounds in all fields of study are welcome to apply. This includes, but is not limited to, business, marketing, finance, film, communications, information technology, intercultural studies, engineering, data analytics, political science, construction, and aviation. Top candidates will be placed within the organization in a position where they can learn and contribute with their current skill set, with the ultimate goal of sharing Christ’s love.

Do I have to be a U.S. citizen to apply?

No, we gladly accept applications from non-US citizens.

Are the internship dates flexible?

No, all interns are required to attend the entirety of the program for each term. Requests for time off during the internship will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for approval.

Are remote internships offered?

No, we do not offer any remote opportunities. All internship roles, both domestic and international, are fully in-person.

More Questions? Contact Us.

If you need assistance or have further questions, please use the following form.

Intern Contact Us

This form will reside on Global Internship Program Page and will be that so that they can ask questions.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Samaritan’s Purse is a faith-based religious organization committed to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ through crisis relief and evangelism. Consistent with our charitable purpose to share the Christian faith, a requirement for employment at Samaritan’s Purse is affirmation and adherence to our Christian Statement of Faith. Our Statement of Faith prerequisite for employment is based upon federal law set forth in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-1.


Employment decisions are made without regard to a person’s race, color, sex, national origin, disability, age, or genetic information. Samaritan’s Purse does not make employment decisions based on any other legally protected class that does not conflict with our sincerely held religious beliefs.
