Samaritan’s Purse Photo Blogs

Celebrating 500 Churches

Hundreds gathered at the Akuem Cathedral in South Sudan to praise God for working through Samaritan's Purse to rebuild hundreds of houses of worship that were destroyed as a result of a brutal, two-decades-long civil war

Hundreds of South Sudanese Christians gathered at the Akuem Cathedral on May 19 to praise God for working through Samaritan's Purse to rebuild hundreds of houses of worship that were destroyed as a result of a brutal, two-decades-long civil war. … [Read more...]

Far More Than 5 Wells in 5 Days

Samaritan’s Purse has been drilling and rehabilitating wells, or boreholes, in South Sudan since 2011 to help alleviate the need for water. Of 900,000 people living in this fledgling country, 70 percent of them don’t have access to clean water sources. Prayerfully, we’ll complete another 80 boreholes by the end of 2013 in states such as Northern Bahr el Ghazal and Unity. Read more about how Samaritan's Purse is giving entire communities in South Sudan hope by drilling clean water … [Read more...]

Celebrating 100 Million Shoeboxes

More than 10,000 passionate people representing 102 different nations gathered in Orlando, Florida, on April 6 to celebrate God providing more than 100 million shoe box gifts through Operation Christmas Child. Attendees enjoyed an evening of encouraging speakers and musical performances by Michael W. Smith, Matthew West, Ricky Scaggs, and more!

More than 10,000 passionate people representing 102 nations gathered in Orlando, Florida, on April 6 to celebrate God providing more than 100 million shoe box gifts through Operation Christmas Child. Attendees enjoyed an evening of encouraging speakers and musical performances by Michael W. Smith, Matthew West, Ricky Skaggs, and more! … [Read more...]

Water for a Thirsty World

Samaritan’s Purse water, sanitation, and hygiene projects impacted more than 500,000 people 11 countries last year. Take a look into the lives of some we have helped in this photo gallery. Clean water doesn't just improve these communities—it’s saving lives.

Last year, Samaritan’s Purse water, sanitation, and hygiene projects impacted more than 500,000 people in 11 countries. In this photo gallery, take a look into the lives of some we have helped. Clean water doesn't just improve these communities—it’s saving lives. … [Read more...]

Yida Refugee Camp Relief

Struggling refugees experience God’s love at a camp where Samaritan's Purse is providing aid in South Sudan

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Haiti – Three Years Later

A photo gallery illustrates how Samaritan's Purse continues to help Haitians recover from the devastating earthquake that struck on January 12, 2010

Since the earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, 2010, Samaritan's Purse has been heavily involved in its recovery and development efforts. Our relief and development work focuses on bringing physical, emotional, and spiritual healing to communities through relevant projects. Through innovative interventions, targeted discipleship, and capacity building of church leaders, we are striving to leave a lasting impact on Haiti for the glory of God. … [Read more...]

South Sudan Cleft Lip Project

Samaritan's Purse provides life-changing cleft lip surgery for 78 people from across South Sudan

Surgery to repair cleft lips not only transforms the appearance of the patients. In cultures where the deformity is seen as a curse, it transforms their lives. Each year, Samaritan's Purse sends a team of medical professionals to South Sudan to perform this operations. These photos are from the 2012 trip. … [Read more...]

Christmas In Ecuador, Day Two

On the second day of the Operation Christmas Child trip to Ecuador, recording artist Michael W. Smith and Samaritan's Purse President Franklin Graham delivered gifts to boys and girls in Fundacion Amor a La Vida and Libertad de Azama. … [Read more...]

Christmas In Ecuador

Shoe box gifts from Operation Christmas Child brought joy to children in Ecuador on Dec. 29 and 30. Recording artist Michael W. Smith joined Samaritan's Purse President Franklin Graham in hand-delivering the gifts. Pictured below are photos from the first day of distributions in Quito. … [Read more...]

Dedication of the Greta Home and Academy

 PHOTO GALLERY   |   View More » Seventy-three Haitian boys and girls, ranging in age from 2 to 16, moved into their new life at the Greta Home and Academy on December 15. The facility, built and supported by Samaritan’s Purse, was dedicated to the glory of God in a ceremony the same day. The home is named after Fox News host Greta Van Susteren for her advocacy on behalf of the people of Haiti. Van Susteren and her husband John Coale, along with Franklin Graham, … [Read more...]
