Samaritan’s Purse Photo Blogs

Scotty McCreery Visits the Dominican Republic with Operation Christmas Child

Samaritan's Purse programs continue to show that God has not forgotten the people of Haiti in the two years since the devastating earthquake that struck the country on January 12, 2010. … [Read more...]

Bertie County Rebuild Projects

A home rebuilding project in the aftermath of a deadly tornado in Bertie County, North Carolina, has helped transform hopelessness to joy. … [Read more...]

2011 Year in Pictures

An overview of our work in 2011 as captured through the lenses of our staff photographers. … [Read more...]

A Community Changed By A Simple Gift

Samaritan's Purse photographer Paul Sherar reports from Madagascar, where he visited a village transformed by Operation Christmas Child. Just over the ridge I could see a billowing cloud of white smoke streaming upward off the hilly, arid region of central Madagascar. The area was so remote that our helicopter pilot had to fly to the closest town on the map and then go 12 miles due north to find it. As we approached the smoke signal we could see hands waving from the entire community, … [Read more...]

Cleft Lip Surgery- South Sudan

Samaritan's Purse is helping provide cleft lip surgery for dozens of patients in South Sudan. Images by David Uttley. … [Read more...]

Operation Christmas Child Mongolia

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Bolivia Projects

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Democratic Republic of Congo Projects

The northeastern border regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have become a battleground as the Lord’s Resistance Army attack villages, kill unarmed civilians, burn homes, and take captives. Thousands of people have fled and are living with relatives or in makeshift shelters in larger, more secure towns. Samaritan’s Purse is providing food for thousands of at-risk families and supporting medical facilities. In 2011 Samaritan’s Purse writer Gary Martyn and photographer Matt Powell … [Read more...]

The Greatest Journey in Haiti

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Hurricane Irene Disaster Relief

Samaritan's Purse staff and volunteers help Hurricane Irene victims in New Jersey and Vermont … [Read more...]
