Cataract Surgical Team
Brick by Brick
“The people from our community are hungry for the Word of God,” Pastor Eusebio said, standing on the unfinished second floor of his church in El Alto, Bolivia. The city of almost a million people spreads out around him in all directions, full of people he hopes will come to know the saving love of…
Samaritan’s Purse Responds to Ebola Outbreak in Uganda
Samaritan’s Purse is serving communities in Uganda, where more than 140 confirmed cases of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever have been reported since the outbreak was declared in September. In Kampala and surrounding areas, we are providing healthcare workers with Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) trainings to bolster the capacity nationwide to care for Ebola patients and…
2023 Year-End Impact Report
Franklin Graham’s Journey From Lost to Spreading Hope
By Beth Brelje | Originally Published in The Epoch Times May 02, 2024. Updated: May 06, 2024. Used with permission. BOONE, N.C.—A bird is thumping into the window of Rev. Franklin Graham’s office at Samaritan’s Purse international headquarters in Boone, North Carolina. He says it happens every spring, and he doesn’t know why, but this…
Anti Human Trafficking Landing Page
Faith Restored
The two Army medics were ready to quit their marriage and had a hard time remembering why they’d bothered applying to go to Alaska with Samaritan’s Purse. Just a couple weeks before Army Sergeant First Class Jason Smith and Army Specialist Amy Smith were scheduled to leave for Operation Heal Our Patriots, they delivered the…
Sight Restored, Spiritual Eyes Opened in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Joseph is wearing a big smile that’s verging on laughter as he rests under the sun cover in Isiro, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He’s beginning to see shapes and faces for the first time in years. Cataracts had taken his sight long before, adding to Joseph’s other physical challenges, including hearing impairment and…
Celebrating 50 Million Children Discipled
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14). Children are precious to God. The Bible tells us that “children are a gift of the LORD” (Psalm 127:3) and that we are responsible to train them up “in the way [they] should…
Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone is located on the coast of West Africa, next to Liberia and Guinea. In addition to being a gold, diamond, and bauxite mining hub, it is also rich with wildlife. Hippopotamuses and crocodiles (including rare miniature versions of these species) reside in its rivers together with manatees. Large game such as elephants, lions,…