The lack of sophisticated healthcare leaves many Malawians without hope for a better future. But that all changed for Jephither, a seasoned village chief, and Ireen, a young single mother, when Samaritan’s Purse World Medical Mission Specialty Teams brought advanced healthcare to their remote area earlier this year. For decades, Jephither has leaned on the…
Operation Heal Our Patriots Kicks off Summer Season
May 27 Update: Ten wounded military personnel and their spouses arrived at Samaritan Lodge Alaska on Sunday, May 26. These first couples of the season are already going through Biblically based marriage training and enjoying wilderness excursions. One husband and wife received the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior on Sunday night. On Memorial Day, the…
Clean Water Restored to Rural Vietnamese Communities
In the lush southern farmlands of Vietnam, the morning humidity is already clinging to Kim Cuong as he goes about his daily labor of tilling the vast rice fields that stretch across the region. This is how the father of three earns a steady income for his family. Each evening he then returns home to…
Into a War Zone with Shoebox Gifts and Groceries
Volunteers Clean Up in Hurricane-Rocked Southeast Texas
UPDATE: July 12 As our international hurricane response continues in devastated Caribbean communities, U.S. Disaster Relief volunteers are getting to work in Brazoria County this week in southeast Texas where Hurricane Beryl toppled large trees and dumped nearly a foot of rain. Our teams are cleaning up debris, cutting up trees, patching damaged roofs, and…
Children After God’s Own Heart
On a warm, sunny afternoon on the outskirts of Kampala, Uganda, dozens of boys and girls run, laugh, smile, and play various childhood games on a large, grassy lawn. Boys race about kicking a soccer ball, while several girls jump rope. Others giggle as they attempt to twirl hula hoops around their waists. Later, they…
Military Couples See Prayers Answered in Alaska
He was shivering so violently he could hardly stand still. The wind had suddenly picked up, the sun was nowhere in sight, and the air was noticeably chillier than it had been all week. Not even the crackling fire on the beach offered much warmth. But it didn’t matter. Army Sergeant First Class David Larson…
Volunteers Building New Church on Remote Alaskan Island
More than 200 Samaritan’s Purse volunteers from 26 states are building a church on remote Nunivak Island this summer. The construction site lies at the edge of the Native Village of Mekoryuk, the only year-round settlement on the tundra-covered Alaskan isle. Cup’ig speaking people have lived on Nunivak, the second largest island in the Bering…
Providing Bread and Water in Ukraine
Every day, the aroma of freshly baked bread filled Sergey’s* shop in eastern Ukraine. He, his wife, and seven children routinely delivered the delicious product to various corners of their city, amid the everyday murmur of the community—the hum of traffic, the laughter of children playing, and the barking of dogs. But one day in…
Opening the Eyes of the Heart
Sao had witnessed many hardships in his 74 years—war, famine, and poverty—but, through it all, he continued to cherish his beloved wife, Mau, above all else. He loved being able to see her beautiful face. That was until, in recent years, cataracts began to cloud his vision. Sao dreaded the thought of going blind—and never…