Newsletter June 2024
Operation Heal Our Patriots 2022 Special Report
Coming Home for Christmas in Paradise
As the community of Paradise, California, grieves in the wake of the Golden State’s deadliest wildfire, local churches have come together to reach out to residents with the love of Jesus Christ. In partnership with other area congregations and Samaritan’s Purse, Paradise Alliance Church hosted close to 4,000 local people for three special Christmas Eve…
Never Left to Fight Alone
Nearly 500 military couples were encouraged to rely on Jesus Christ, to read and believe God’s Word, and to stay connected with fellow couples at the 2023 Operation Heal Our Patriots Reunion, April 28-30, in Orlando. The annual event kicked off Friday evening with an address from Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham who invited attendees…
Motorcyclists Support Military Couples in Annual Warrior Ride
Despite the rain, more than 150 riders on over 100 motorcycles rode up and down the scenic Blue Ridge Parkway on Saturday, May 18, to support Operation Heal Our Patriots. The group departed from Samaritan’s Purse International Headquarters in Boone, North Carolina, for the roundtrip run to and from Grandfather Mountain. This was the 13th…
The Gift of New Life
Nomin and Tsomo say that God has given them three gifts through the ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. They each received Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts in Mongolia when they were children. As adults, they both had little ones with heart defects that recently were repaired through our Children’s Heart Project. And, both of the mothers…
Franklin Graham Visits Mongolia to Hear Compelling Stories from Children’s Heart Project
In a remote province in Mongolia about 140 miles from the capital city, a young mother and father work tirelessly day in and day out tending to their sheep, goats, cows, and horses. As nomadic herders, they move with the changing seasons and make their home in different areas throughout the mountainous countryside. Yet, no…
Restoring Hope to a Nation Grieving and Crippled by Violence
In the spring and summer of 1994, the Hutus took up arms against the Tutsis and commenced with the brutal slaying of more than 800,000 people—men, women, and children—in a little over three months. The massacre, concurrent with a years-long civil war between the two tribes’ military forces, crippled the East African nation of Rwanda.…
God’s Love Transforms Hearts
Vanessa was mad at God and questioned why He had allowed her son Mateo to be born with a hole in his heart. Mateo had to limit his physical activity because he was easily tired and out of breath. Even when he felt OK, his family cautioned him against running too hard or too long…