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Operation Christmas Child

Idaho Woman Ignites a Passion for Shoebox Ministry in Local Church

Michelle Morgan celebrated her 50th birthday in an unusual way. Instead of cakes, cards, and carefully wrapped presents, she wanted shoeboxes. Fifty of them. And she wanted toys, school supplies, and hygiene items to pack inside of them. Michelle planned to prepare 50 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes for children in need overseas to commemorate her…

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Operation Christmas Child

God Is Using a Small Texas Church to Bless Many Thousands of Children

Update (Nov. 4, 2021): Since this article was originally published, Grace Baptist Church of Wild Peach, Texas, has continued to exceed its shoebox-packing goals. In 2020, despite the global outbreak of COVID-19, the church packed 12,617 shoeboxes—117 over their goal. They also saw God’s provision regarding their $9 donation per shoebox gift that year. “We…

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Operation Christmas Child

Building Toy Cars to Help Build God’s Kingdom

Ken Postema lives in Western Michigan, about 15 miles east of Grand Rapids, on 10 wooded acres that he purchased 51 years ago when he was a senior in high school. Tall white pines, maples, tulip poplars, and hybrid poplars dot the lush, rolling landscape surrounding Ken’s beautifully handcrafted house, which he built himself. “Some…

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Operation Christmas Child

Children in Benin Hear the Gospel through Simple Shoebox Gifts

Nine-year-old Gladys flashed a big smile as she recounted the day she received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift. The special items inside included a blanket folded neatly and arranged amid school supplies, a flashlight that her father needed, and other cherished items. Opening the shoebox gift was like opening up a new chapter of…

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Operation Christmas Child

Why I Pack Shoeboxes: One-Word Witnesses

On social media this fall, Operation Christmas Child asked shoebox packers to pick one word that describes why they send gifts to boys and girls in need around the world. We thought you’d be encouraged to see some of the responses from our volunteers and staff as you prayerfully prepare to fill your own boxes…

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Operation Christmas Child

Drop-off Locations to Open for Operation Christmas Child

NOV. 18-25: Drop-off Locations to Open for Operation Christmas Child BOONE, N.C.—Volunteers are preparing to collect Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts during National Collection Week, Nov. 18 – 25. More than 4,700 drop-off locations will open across the country in November, and shoebox packers can find their local drop-off locations nearest them. Since 1993, Operation…

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Operation Christmas Child

#ShoeboxStories: Désiré and The Yo-Yo

ShoeboxStories #shoeboxstories is an ongoing series in which shoebox recipients share about the eternal impact of a simple gift. Désiré -and- The Yo-yo God used a simple light-up yo-yo to remind me of His love. I remember walking every day to school when I was young. Most of the time I went without any lunch…

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Operation Christmas Child

‘The Lord Loves Even His Enemies’

In a small town on the plains of Central Asia, most people are hostile to the small group of Christians living among them. Though these courageous believers are continually harassed, they faithfully persevere. Two Christian women named Aigul* and Dinara* were meeting regularly to pray for their town. Persecution flared up when Aigul’s mother died.…

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Health & Medical Ministries

Franklin Graham Visits Mongolia to Hear Compelling Stories from Children’s Heart Project

In a remote province in Mongolia about 140 miles from the capital city, a young mother and father work tirelessly day in and day out tending to their sheep, goats, cows, and horses. As nomadic herders, they move with the changing seasons and make their home in different areas throughout the mountainous countryside. Yet, no…

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Operation Christmas Child

Outsiders Welcomed In

Outsiders. That’s what the Baka people are known as in the Central African nations of Gabon and Cameroon. Members of this unreached people group are relegated to the margins of society and given little access to education or social services. Tragically, in addition to this discrimination, they have virtually no personal access to the Gospel…

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