Tucked in along the Tennessee River between Nashville and Memphis sits the quaint town of Clifton, Tennessee. This town of just over 2,000 people is home for Jane Marie Franks—a 16-year-old high school junior with big goals. In the last two years, she’s rallied her community to pack over 1,000 Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts…
God’s Love Transforms Hearts
Vanessa was mad at God and questioned why He had allowed her son Mateo to be born with a hole in his heart. Mateo had to limit his physical activity because he was easily tired and out of breath. Even when he felt OK, his family cautioned him against running too hard or too long…
Samaritan’s Purse Celebrates 10.5 Million Shoebox Gifts Collected for Children in Need
Five Reasons Students Should Volunteer
Special Access Shoebox Resources Update
Sailors Brave Difficult Seas to Deliver Shoebox Gifts in the Pacific
A team of seven recently set sail on a 57-foot boat named Cloud Nine with cartons of Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts on board. Their destination? An isolated part of Kwajalein Atoll. Home to some 11,000 people scattered across 100 small islands, Kwajalein Atoll is a part of the Marshall Islands, a nation located in…
‘Thank You So Much for Bringing Me to Jesus’
Millions of Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts are packed for boys and girls in need around the world each year, many of which include an email or physical address inviting the child to write back. If you have ever packed one of those boxes and wished you could hear from the child who received it,…