Marvellous ran for his life when gunfire erupted. He and his family were trying to flee their homeland in Central Africa where Christians were being persecuted for their faith. As they boarded a crowded bus together, the family heard the gunfire. Running in the opposite direction than his family, the then 6-year-old—and youngest of four…
Press Release Operation Christmas Child Feb. 1 – Over 11.3 Million Shoebox Gifts Collected
Children in the Pacific Take The Greatest Journey of Their Lives
If Vanua Levu isn’t the end of the Earth, it’s close. Rugged and isolated, the slender island is located 1,100 nautical miles northeast of New Zealand in the South Pacific, just east of the Coral Sea. It’s one of the 330 specks on the map that make up the Fiji archipelago. Ignored by most of…
Mending Sarana’s Heart
As the mother of two healthy children, Narangarav knew in her heart that something was wrong with her newborn baby. After three weeks, a doctor confirmed her worst fears: Sarana had been born with a hole in her heart. Even worse, there was not a single hospital or surgeon in all of Mongolia who could…
Samaritan’s Purse Releases Free Kids’ Bible Game App
Désiré and the Yo-yo
Challenges Don’t Hinder Volunteer from Following God’s Call
As a year-round volunteer, Rebecca Parker-Moore leads the efforts of Operation Christmas Child’s area team in Huntington, West Virginia. “An area coordinator overseas all the operations of collecting shoeboxes, shepherding a team, and just being the face of Operation Christmas Child in a community,” Rebecca said. At age 16, Rebecca started packing shoebox gifts simply…
Transformed for Ministry
The news was cancer and, with no remedy, Genaro began to worsen and slide into despair. But this was not the end of his story. With a wave of prayers behind him from his father and his rural community in Mexico, the Lord miraculously healed Genaro of his illness and called him into ministry with…
God Brings New Life to a Disabled Boy in Mongolia Through Operation Christmas Child
Teenaged Sampil is a different person after receiving an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift. Once generally homebound, he now travels freely about the city of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Instead of being lonely, he now plays on team sports and has many friends. He initially had finished his education at the primary school level, but after a…
Military Couples Receive Colorful Alaska Welcome on the Fourth of July
As Americans celebrate our nation’s independence, Samaritan’s Purse welcomed 10 more military couples to Samaritan Lodge Alaska for a week of marriage enrichment with Operation Heal Our Patriots. “We bring wounded veterans and their spouses here to Alaska and the most important thing we work on is their marriages,” said Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s…