Press Release Operation Christmas Child October 6, 2022
Fact Sheet: Operation Christmas Child
Newsletter October
Encouraging Students to Serve Children Around the World
Adrienne Krater loves encouraging students to help reach children around the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Operation Christmas Child. It’s her focus as a year-round student relations volunteer in the Dayton, Ohio, area. Adrienne encourages local young people to pack Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts and tells them how God is using…
2024 Mid-Year Report
Starting Churches in Mongolia
Mongolia is a spiritually dark land where Buddhism and cults are common and Christians are scarce. But a young couple committed to serving Jesus Christ is praying for this to change. Jargalmaa and her husband, Munkh-Erdene, moved with their two young children to Arvaikheer in southern Mongolia because the city is known for being among…
Wisconsin Shoebox Club Packs 10,000th Gift
Faith Community Church of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, included an extra-special element in a recent worship service. Nineteen-year-old Evilyn Pinnow, founder of the church’s shoebox club, returned from college in Ohio to lead the congregation in the packing of their 10,000th shoebox gift. Significant contributors in the history of the club brought toys, school supplies, and…
Operation Heal Our Patriots
Children in Madagascar Hear the Gospel for the First Time
Pastor Soja knew that there were two words the Bara people group never wanted to hear: “Jesus” and “prayer.” Made up of more than a million people, this ethnic group inhabits southern Madagascar, the island nation off the east coast of Africa. Cattle rustlers by trade, they marked themselves by thievery, violence, and isolation. Fifteen…