A Widow Grows Healthy

diciembre 21, 2015 • Democratic Republic of the Congo

A woman displaced by rebel groups learns to become independent by growing her own vegetables

Shalufa Hanakwabo is a displaced widow in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

We were forced to flee from our home after a rebel group killed my husband. The war destabilized us, but as rebel groups left the area, we were able to return closer to home. Since 2014, we’ve been living with host families.

With the help of Samaritan’s Purse, I have hope for my life that we will have stability again. The organization gave us seeds, tools, and training. Now we’re producing amaranth, corn, and beans. I trust my God; He always responds. Today, I can help those who are more needy than I am because I have goods and technical training as a farmer so I no longer have to rely on others.

Now the three young girls who live with me blossom beautifully like stars in the village, radiating health and vigor that they didn’t have a few months ago. I praise God for the new life I have been given.

