Recursos de prensa
Respuesta al huracán Helene
Respuesta al huracán Beryl
Respuesta a las inundaciones en Brasil
Respuestas a tormentas primaverales
Western North Carolina Gives Back
La respuesta en Israel
Comunicados de prensa
Nov. 19, 2024 Western North Carolina Communities Rally to Give Back Through Samaritan’s Purse Project, Operation Christmas Child
Hurricane Helene-Devastated Churches and Families Share the Joy of Christmas with Kids in Need Worldwide
Nov. 1, 2024 Governor Kristi Noem Joining Franklin Graham on Samaritan’s Purse Airlift Mission to Deliver Winter Clothing in Western North Carolina
Samaritan’s Purse is airlifting winter clothing into one of the hardest-hit areas of North Carolina this afternoon.
Oct. 11, 2024 Samaritan’s Purse Coordinating Largest Civilian Airlift Operation in U.S. History
Samaritan’s Purse is once again expanding relief efforts in western North Carolina with the deployment of community water filtration systems to Swannanoa and other hard-hit areas.
Oct. 04, 2024 Samaritan’s Purse Deploys Three Water Filtration Systems to the Asheville Area, Including Swannanoa
Samaritan’s Purse is once again expanding relief efforts in western North Carolina with the deployment of community water filtration systems to Swannanoa and other hard-hit areas.
Oct. 02, 2024 Samaritan’s Purse Scales Up North Carolina Response, Opening Emergency Field Hospital and Launching Airlift Operations
Additional Medical Support to Provide Surge Capacity as Search and Rescue Efforts Continue
Sept. 28, 2024 Samaritan’s Purse Responding to Widespread Devastation from Hurricane Helene’s Deadly Landfall
The international Christian relief organization is helping families in need in Western North Carolina, Eastern Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida.
Sept. 13, 2024 Samaritan's Purse Responds to Louisiana in the Wake of Hurricane Francine
The international Christian relief organization has deployed to hard-hit Louisiana communities to help families begin their recovery from the damaging storm
6 de julio, 2024 Samaritan's Purse amplía la respuesta de emergencia para las víctimas del huracán Beryl en tres zonas muy afectadas
Samaritan’s Purse ha desplegado esta semana un tercer vuelo de ayuda de emergencia, esta vez a Jamaica, ya que la respuesta de la organización al huracán Beryl llega a varios países del Caribe.
2 de julio, 2024 Samaritan's Purse aerotransporta suministros de ayuda para emergencias a Granada en respuesta al huracán Beryl
Samaritan's Purse envió un Equipo de Respuestas para Asistencia en Desastres (DART, por su sigla en inglés) junto con más de 24 toneladas de suministros de ayuda para salvar vidas al caribe.
June 25, 2024 Respuesta de Samaritan's Purse a los incendios devastadores en Nuevo México
Samaritan’s Purse deployed disaster relief specialists and a Disaster Relief Unit—a tractor-trailer stocked with tools and equipment—to Ruidoso, New Mexico, following the devastating fires that have ravaged the area.
23 mayo, 2024 Samaritan’s Purse se despliega para ayudar a las familias necesitadas después que los tornados mortales abatieron el Medio Oeste
Samaritan’s Purse tiene personal en el suroeste de Iowa que responde después de un sistema de tormentas que produjo numerosos tornados, granizo y lluvia en el estado el martes.
13 mayo, 2024 Samaritan’s Purse lleva por aire ayuda crítica y especialistas en respuestas a desastres van a un Brasil inundado con vuelos continuos
En el fin de semana, Samaritan’s Purse desplegó su DC-8 y 7272 a Porto Alegre, Brasil, en respuesta a las inundaciones catastróficas y deslaves que hirieron la nación.
5 mayo, 2024 Samaritan’s Purse lleva suministros de emergencia por aire a Sudán
La crisis de desplazamiento masivo deja cientos de miles de personas sin alimentos y refugio
16 marzo, 2024 Samaritan’s Purse se despliega para ayudar a las familias necesitadas después que los tornados mortales abatieron el Medio Oeste
Samaritan’s Purse hoy desplegó equipos de asistencia en desastres a Logan County, Ohio, y el área de Selma/Winchester de Indiana después que destructivos tornados EF-3 arrasaron la región el jueves por la tarde.
23 enero, 2024 Franklin Graham y Samaritan’s Purse dedican 14 ambulancias a médicos caídos en Israel hoy
— Hoy, Franklin Graham, presidente de Samaritan’s Purse, dedicó 14 ambulancias en Israel, provistas a Magen David Adom (MDA), la agencia de servicios de emergencia y ambulancias de Israel.
Jan. 12, 2024 Samaritan’s Purse lleva por aire suministros de trauma a Israel
Samaritan’s Purse llevará por aire 1000 kits de soporte en trauma a Israel en su avión 757. Cada kit está especialmente empacado con más de 70 suministros médicos esenciales, que incluyen torniquetes, kit de tubos torácicos, kits de sutura y de intubación, para ayudar a los servicios de emergencia del país a salvar vidas.
Dec. 10, 2023 Samaritan's Purse Deploys Assessment Team to Tennessee After Deadly Tornadoes
Samaritan's Purse has deployed disaster response specialists to Tennessee and pre-positioned two Disaster Relief Units—tractor-trailers stocked with tools and equipment—in the wake of deadly tornadoes that struck multiple communities on Saturday.
Nov. 15, 2023 Samaritan's Purse sponsors 21 ambulances, seven of them armored, for Magen David Adom, Israel's medical emergency system
The vehicles will replace MDA ambulances destroyed by Hamas and put additional lifesaving vehicles into service
Nov. 13, 2023 Samaritan's purse responds in Israel; providing ambulances and other life-saving support
When Hamas attacked Israel in early October, Samaritan's Purse immediately deployed a Disaster Assistance Response Team. Now, the international Christian relief organization is supporting church partners—meeting the emergency needs of innocent civilians who are suffering as a result of the war.
Nov. 10, 2023 Samaritan's purse provides emergency relief to tens of thousands of people in mexico after hurricane otis
Samaritan's Purse airlifted more than 19 tons of emergency relief supplies to Mexico, marking the third relief flight in response to Hurricane Otis.
Nov. 6, 2023 Samaritan's Purse Lleva Por Vía aérea Ayuda a Los Sobrevivientes Del Huracán De Acapulco, México
El avión 757 de Samaritan's Purse partió desde Greensboro, Carolina del Norte, durante la mañana del 2 de noviembre rumbo a la Ciudad de México, transportando 22 toneladas de suministros de emergencia para los sobrevivientes del huracán de Acapulco, México.
Oct. 12, 2023 Samaritan's Purse Deploys Second Relief Flight to Armenia to Aid Displaced Families
Samaritan's Purse deployed a second relief flight to Armenia containing more than 23 tons of emergency supplies to further assist families who have had to flee their homes because of the fighting.
Oct. 7, 2023 Samaritan's Purse Airlifts Relief Supplies to Help Families Fleeing to Armenia
Samaritan's Purse airlifted more than 30 tons of emergency relief supplies to help families impacted by a new wave of conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
Sep. 21, 2023 Franklin Graham dedicates new Samaritan's Purse airlift response center in Greensboro
Samaritan's Purse President and CEO Franklin Graham will dedicate the organization's new Greensboro Airlift Response Center on Tuesday, Sept. 26.
Aug. 31, 2023 Samaritan’s Purse responde al huracán Idalia
International Christian Relief Organization deployed Disaster Relief Units and staff to hurricane-devastated areas
Aug. 15, 2023 Samaritan's Purse Airlifts Supplies to Hawaii
International Christian Relief Organization Sends Tools, Equipment, and Other Items to Help Families Devastated by Wildfires
8 de junio, 2023 Samaritan's Purse Airlifting Relief Supplies to War-Torn Ukraine after Collapsed Dam Results in Mass Flooding
Samaritan's Purse will deploy its DC-8 aircraft tomorrow, June 9, to transport more than 40,000 pounds of relief supplies to Ukraine after a critical dam near the frontlines of the war collapsed.
May 16, 2023 Samaritan's Purse Delivers First Mobile Homes to Mississippi Tornado Survivors
Samaritan's Purse, an international Christian relief organization, is offering a mobile home replacement program for Mississippi families who lost everything in the March 24 tornado.
Mar. 25, 2023 Samaritan's Purse Rushing Help to Families Impacted by Deadly Tornadoes in Mississippi
Samaritan's Purse has deployed staff and the first of two Disaster Relief Units.
October 6, 2022 Franklin Graham is Going to Southwest Florida to Encourage People Devastated by Hurricane Ian and Thank Volunteers Serving on the Ground
Samaritan's Purse has mobilized an army of 550 volunteers—with 2,500 more on the way—to help homeowners in three areas that were devastated by Hurricane Ian—Fort Myers, Englewood, and Punta Gorda.
October 4, 2022 Samaritan's Purse Responds to Hurricane Ian
Samaritan's Purse is mobilizing disaster response specialists and tractor-trailers packed with relief equipment to areas currently being ravaged by Hurricane Ian.
14 de marzo, 2022 Samaritan’s Purse recibe a sus primeros pacientes en el hospital móvil de emergencias en Ucrania
Samaritan's Purse accepted its first patients at the Emergency Field Hospital located on the outskirts of Lviv.
3 de marzo, 2022 Samaritan’s Purse despliega un hospital móvil de emergencia a Ucrania
Al escalar el conflicto en Ucrania, Samaritan’s Purse despliega un Hospital Móvil de Emergencia la región para atender las necesidades críticas.
25 de febrero, 2022 El conflicto en Ucrania: Samaritan’s Purse despliega un equipo de respuesta de asistencia en desastres para evaluar las necesidades de emergencia
Samaritan’s Purse despliega especialistas en respuesta a desastres a Polonia y Rumania en vista del conflicto en Ucrania.
February 1, 2022 Samaritan's Purse Launches Spanish Website to Inform, Encourage, and Mobilize Hispanic Community
Samaritan's Purse launched an official Spanish website to reach and engage Spanish-speakers in their heart language
December 11, 2021 Samaritan's Purse Rushes Help in the Wake of Deadly Tornados
Samaritan's Purse deployed disaster response teams to Mayfield, Kentucky and Monette, Arkansas in response to the deadly tornadoes that spawned overnight.
August 17, 2021 Samaritan's Purse Ramps Up Medical Response; Emergency Field Hospital Deploys to Southern Haiti.
At the request of the Haitian government's Ministry of Health, Samaritan's Purse deployed an Emergency Field Hospital to southern Haiti.
August 15, 2021 Samaritan's Purse Airlifts Critical Relief Supplies to Haiti After 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake
Yesterday, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti. It caused severe damage—destroying homes and trapping people in the rubble.
May 20, 2021 Samaritan's Purse Deploys Disaster Relief Unit and teams of Volunteers to Louisiana after Widespread Flooding
Samaritan's Purse is mobilizing disaster response staff, volunteers and relief equipment to Lake Charles, Louisiana after heavy rain caused devastating flooding.
March 26, 2021 Samaritan's Purse Ramps up Southeast Tornado Response; Additional Disaster Responders and Supplies Deployed to Alabama
Samaritan's Purse is expanding its work in tornado-devastated Alabama—sending two additional Disaster Relief Units and staff to respond to the severe weather that battered the region.
Feb. 25, 2021 Samaritan's Purse Provides Emergency Relief to Winter Storm Victims in Texas and Oregon
Samaritan's Purse is aiding Texas and Oregon families in the wake of devastating ice storms that destroyed area infrastructure, downed trees, and displaced thousands of families.
Feb. 12, 2021 Samaritan's Purse Airlifts 30+ Tons of Food Supplies to Conflict-Stricken Ethiopia; Thousands of Children at Risk of Severe Malnutrition
Samaritan's Purse, an international Christian relief organization, is airlifting life-saving food to children suffering in northern Ethiopia.
Jan. 16, 2021 Samaritan's Purse Opens Southern California Emergency Field Hospital
Today, Samaritan's Purse opened an Emergency Field Hospital in Lancaster, California, as coronavirus cases are at a critical level—with reports showing one virus-related death every six minutes in Los Angeles County.
Jan. 11, 2021 Samaritan's Purse Deploys Emergency Field Hospital to Southern California
Samaritan's Purse is responding to the coronavirus outbreak in Southern California— deploying an Emergency Field Hospital in Lancaster to support the region's overwhelmed healthcare system.
Jan. 1, 2021 Samaritan's Purse Accepts First Patient at Western North Carolina Emergency Field Hospital
Today, Samaritan's Purse opened its 30-bed Emergency Field Hospital in Lenoir, North Carolina.
Dec. 31, 2020 Samaritan's Purse Joins Several NC Hospitals to Provide COVID-19 Field Hospital
Samaritan's Purse will begin the construction of a 30-bed, emergency field hospital on the grounds of Caldwell UNC Health Care in Lenoir, NC on Friday, January 1st.
Nov. 11, 2020 Samaritan's Purse Sends Desperately Needed Aid to Hurricane-Ravaged Honduras
Samaritan's Purse is airlifting critical aid to Honduras after Hurricane Eta created widespread devastation in Central America.
Oct. 15, 2020 Samaritan's Purse Airlifts Emergency Field Hospital to the Bahamas; Adding Critical Covid-19 Capacity as Positive Cases Continue to Rise
At the request of the Bahamian Prime Minister, Samaritan's Purse is deploying an Emergency Field Hospital to Nassau
Oct. 12, 2020 Samaritan's Purse Continues to Aid Gulf Coast Families in the Wake of Hurricane Delta
International Christian Relief Organization Responds in Four Louisiana Locations
Sept. 15, 2020 Samaritan's Purse Aiding West Coast Families in the Midst of Devastating Wildfires.
Volunteers to Help Hurting Communities Sift Through the Ashes to Find Meaningful Keepsakes
Aug. 27, 2020 Samaritan's Purse Deploys Disaster Relief Unit to Aid Hurting Gulf Coast Families in the Wake of Hurricane Laura
Volunteers to Help Remove Downed Trees, Clear Debris, Mud-Out Flooded Homes and Salvage Belongings
May 22, 2020 Samaritan's Purse Sends Disaster Relief Unit to Aid Michigan Families
Disaster Response Teams to Help Families Mud-Out Flooded Homes and Salvage Personal Belongings
May 5, 2020 Joint Statement by Mount Sinai Health System and Samaritan's Purse
April 14, 2020 Franklin Graham Statement on Objections to Samaritan's Purse Emergency Field Hospital Serving COVID-19 Patients in New York City
Sunday, Christians worldwide celebrated Easter, commemorating the historic resurrection of Jesus. Tragically, this was also the day New York surpassed a death toll of 10,000 people succumbing to the worldwide pandemic known as COVID-19.
April 13, 2020 Samaritan's Purse Deploys to Storm-Stricken South
Two Disaster Relief Units on the Way to Tornado-Ravaged Mississippi and Louisiana; Assessments Continue in Other Hard-Hit Areas
April 1, 2020 Samaritan's Purse, in Collaboration with Mount Sinai Health System, Opens Emergency Field Hospital in New York's Central Park in Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic
International Christian Relief Organization Responds at Epicenter in U.S. and Italy
March 28, 2020 Samaritan's Purse Deploys Emergency Field Hospital to New York City; Adding Life-Saving Medical Surge Capacity
International Christian Relief Organization Responds at the Epicenter of the Coronavirus in the U.S.
March 20, 2020 Samaritan's Purse Opens Emergency Field Hospital in Northern Italy; Bringing Life-Saving Surge Capacity
The Samaritan's Purse Emergency Field Hospital, specially equipped with a respiratory care unit, opened in Cremona, Italy.
March 16, 2020 Samaritan's Purse Responding to COVID-19 Crisis in Italy
DC-8 Cargo Plane To Airlift Emergency Field Hospital, Medical Team, and Critical Aid
March 14, 2020 Samaritan's Purse Staff Member Presumptive Positive for COVID-19
March 3, 2020 Three Disaster Relief Units on the Way to Tornado-Ravaged Tennessee
Samaritan's Purse Brings Immediate Relief to Tennessee Families
February 19, 2020 Samaritan's Purse Responders on the Ground in Mississippi After Historic Flooding
Tractor Trailer Stocked with Tools and Relief Supplies Deployed from Dallas Warehouse
January 28, 2020 Samaritan's Purse Releases Free Kids' Bible Game App
Greatest Journey App Developed for Children Ages 5–9