Aid for a Widowed Refugee

febrero 2, 2017 • Democratic Republic of the Congo
A distribution for South Sudanese refugees in Uganda
Eva Anite is a refugee from Sudan living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Her husband and son are both dead.

In my home country of Sudan, the situation was bad, so I fled. I walked more than 1,000 miles, but God gave me the grace to make the journey, and I am here today in the Congo. It’s this strength that allowed me to overcome the problems in front of me. I don’t know how to thank God for what He has done for me.

South Sudanese refugee


Although I’m thankful for this new life, I still face problems. I’m a widow without children. I lost my husband and my son. I have had issues with my chest and other complications with my stomach. I have no money for treatment and no one to assist me. I’m not able to work, and I have problems finding food. I sleep in a hut without a roof, and I don’t have anyone to help me. There’s no special assistance for people like me in the refugee camp that I’m living in.

One day, I summoned the courage to explain my situation to the Samaritan’s Purse team working in the camp. They agreed to help me, and soon after, I received a kit with several kitchen items, soap, fabric, a sleeping mat, a mosquito net, a wash basin, a hoe, and a hygiene kit.

God is faithful. I thank you for your goodwill, love, and respect. God understands what my heart wants to express deep inside of me. I will always support Samaritan’s Purse with prayer so that aid may also be given to others in similar situations.

Ayuda para refugiados Muchas familias huyen de la violencia o el hambre y a menudo cruzan las fronteras en búsqueda de seguridad y casa, pero terminan como extranjeros en tierras foráneas y hambrientos, sedientos y en necesidad de un refugio. Samaritan's Purse les ofrece cuidados compasivos a estos refugiados al proveerles de alimentos, agua, refugios y otros suministros de primera necesidad que resguarda sus vidas. Tu donación puede ayudar a proveer a una familia refugiada de los artículos básicos, ofreciéndoles de esta forma una expresión tangible del amor de Cristo en medio de la convulsión y la incertidumbre.

Ayuda para refugiados 012190
Donación sugerida: $125

