An Eternal Impact

septiembre 15, 2014 • United States

What goes into an Operation Christmas Child shoebox is fun. What comes out can change lives forever.

Through the power of Christ, one shoebox gift lovingly packed by a family or an individual and delivered to a child overseas can inspire pastors, multiply congregations, plant new churches and inspire children to share the Gospel with family and friends.

Flourishing Churches

what-comes-out-churches (1)When churches use shoebox gifts to reach out to their communities, God often blesses them with dramatic growth and a great harvest of souls. We even see many new churches planted as a result of shoebox distributions. Nothing energizes a church like a generation of children who love Jesus.

Abrir puertas para el Evangelio

what-comes-out-gospelThrough Operation Christmas Child, Samaritan’s Purse has established church networks in over 100 countries to empower pastors, train teachers, supply Bibles, and prepare the way for those who preach the Gospel.

Redeeming Families

what-comes-out-faithChildren often invite their parents to attend the churches where they received their shoebox gifts. Many struggling families and broken marriages have been restored as mothers and fathers discover how deeply Jesus loves them.

Making Disciples

what-comes-out-discipleshipSamaritan’s Purse developed The Greatest Journey, a 12-lesson Bible study, especially for children who receive shoebox gifts. We want them to teach them how to live for Jesus and share their faith so they can “go make disciples” (Matthew 28:19), multiplying the Gospel among their family and friends.

Find out more about Operation Christmas Child, and how you can make an eternal impact through the power of a simple shoebox gift.

