Children in Botswana Learn About God's Love Through Shoebox Gifts

septiembre 30, 2019 • Botswana

Anitah, a young girl living in the desert region of Botswana, hears the Gospel during an Operation Christmas Child outreach event.

Operation Christmas Child

For children living in Molepolole, Botswana, receiving gifts is rare, so when Anitah attended a church outreach event she wasn’t expecting the wonderful surprise that awaited her.

She experienced God’s love when she received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift from a family on the other side of the world. The free gifts in her shoebox were a testament to her family and to her village of God’s grace and the kindness and generosity of His people.

At the event she heard the Gospel and how God demonstrated His love through the free gift of His Son Jesus Christ, whom He sent to die for our sins and rise from the dead.

“At the event we sang songs and we were told about Jesus,” Anitah said. “I was so excited.”

Her favorite toy in her shoebox was a jump rope. Anitah also received The Greatest Gift Gospel Booklet in her own language. This book will teach her more about what it means to follow Jesus Christ and trust Him with her life.

“I am so grateful for my shoebox. I’m so thankful for what Jesus has done.”

You can bless children around the world by prayerfully packing shoeboxes full of toys, school supplies, and hygiene items. National Collection Week is coming up, Nov. 18-25!

Aprende más a cómo empacar una caja de regalos.

Operation Christmas Child A través de Operation Christmas Child, Samaritan's Purse está compartiendo las Buenas Nuevas de Jesucristo con millones de niños en más de 100 países cada año. Muchos de estos niños nunca han recibido un regalo o escuchado sobre el verdadero significado de la Navidad, hasta que abren sus cajas de regalos de una persona como tú. Algunas personas no pueden dar los $10 por caja que solicitamos para los costos de envío. Pero si adoptas una caja, puedes colaborar con ellos en enviar el Evangelio y ayudar "a fin que seas para salvación hasta lo último de la tierra"(Hechos 13:47, RVR1995).

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Adopta una caja: $10 | Adopta un Cartón de 15 cajas: $150

