Community Celebration in Lebo

julio 20, 2015 • Haiti
Community Celebration in Lebo

A town in Haiti receives a new water source

Joseph Cliford Toussaint is the water, sanitation, and hygiene program coordinator in Haiti. He has been working with Samaritan’s Purse since the earthquake in 2010.

Almost everybody in Lebo was present for the celebration. All 40 households in the small community used to rely on an unprotected spring source where animal feces and sediments from uphill gardens were deposited. With the combined effort of Samaritan’s Purse staff and Lebo’s people, a spring catchment and storage tank was built in order to reduce the incidence of diarrheal diseases. Now that it was finally complete, the community and Samaritan’s Purse staff members joined together to celebrate.

The people in Lebo wore huge smiles and the nicest clothes they owned. The children danced, and many committee members from the community spoke while we snacked on goat meat and fried plantains. It touched me when at the end of the celebration, two committee members from a different community donated five olive trees to be planted around the spring to show their appreciation for the work that was done in the community of Lebo. It was a wonderful time and it will remain in the minds of Samaritan’s Purse staff members and the people of the Lebo community.

