Healing Physical and Spiritual Hearts

febrero 12, 2015 • Worldwide

Samaritan's Purse is providing hope for children with congenital heart defects

February 7-14 is Congenital Heart Defect Awareness week. Along with many families, individuals, organizations, and health professionals, Samaritan’s Purse would like to take this opportunity to share the needs and solutions for children suffering from heart defects at birth.

Children’s Heart, a project of Samaritan’s Purse, arranges life-saving heart surgeries for hundreds of children who live in countries where the required medical expertise and equipment are not available. We provide airfare for the children, a parent, and a translator and locate evangelical Christian churches and families willing to host the groups. After receiving surgery, children are encouraged to attend Heart Camps where they can connect with other children and learn about Jesus’ love for them.

Since 1993, Children’s Heart Project has helped more than 1,000 children receive the life-saving surgery they need.

About one out of every 100 babies has a heart defect that surgeons can routinely repair. Unfortunately, many of them are born in poor or remote places where their families cannot access the cardiac care they urgently need. Through our Children’s Heart Project, Samaritan’s Purse transports boys and girls from places like Bolivia, Mongolia, and Uganda to hospitals in North America. Doctors, hospitals, and host families and churches donate their time and services, but airfare is a major cost—typically $2,200 per person for international flights. For $22, you can share in this cost so that we can offer life-saving surgery and the unsurpassed hope of the Gospel. “But I have trusted in Your mercy; My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation” (Psalm 13:5).
Children’s Heart Project Uno de cada 100 bebés tiene un defecto del corazón que los cirujanos pueden correr como algo rutinario. Desafortunadamente, mucho de estos niños han nacido en lugares pobres o muy remotos donde sus familias no tienen acceso a los servicios cardíacos que urgentemente necesitan. Por medio del programa Children's Heart Project, Samaritan's Purse transporta a niños y niñas de países como Bolivia, Mongolia y Uganda hacia hospitales en Estados Unidos. identifica niños con condiciones de corazón de vida o muerte que viven en países donde no tienen la tecnología y el entrenamiento para su enfermedad. El programa los conecta con hospitales y cirujanos de EE.UU. que donan su tiempo y servicios. Los doctores, los hospitales y las familias e iglesias que reciben a estos niños donan su tiempo y servicios, pero los costos de los vuelos aéreos son los gastos mayores usualmente de $2.200 por persona en un vuelo internacional. Con $50 de donación, puedes compartir el costo y ofrecer una cirugía que salvará la vida de alguien y la inigualable esperanza de Jesucristo "el camino, la verdad y la vida" (Juan 14:6). "el camino, la verdad y la vida". (Juan 14:6)

Programa Children's Heart Project 013687
Donación sugerida: $2.200 / Comparte el costo: $50

