Mira el mensaje de Franklin Graham desde Fort Myers, Florida.

enero 19, 2020 • United States
Franklin Graham has been speaking at events across Florida, calling people to repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Franklin Graham has been speaking at events across Florida, calling people to repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

¡Observa el final de la gira Decision American en el Estado del Sol en Facebook!▶

Ve a Franklin Graham’s Facebook page to watch the evangelistic message he delivered in Fort Myers, Florida, as the Decision America Sunshine State Tour concluded on Jan. 19. (You may have to scroll down several posts.)

You can still invite family and friends to listen as he presents the Good News of Jesus Christ. Keep praying for our nation, our communities, and the lost!

Franklin Graham posted this from Florida on Jan. 19.

For more on the Decision America Sunshine State Tour, go to BillyGraham.org, website of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA).

To learn more about knowing Jesus, please go to PeaceWithGod.net.

