Life-Changing Surgeries in South Sudan

octubre 31, 2014 • South Sudan

A volunteer medical team will offer cleft lip repair for a fourth consecutive year

Samaritan’s Purse will provide cleft lip surgeries for as many as 50 South Sudanese men, women, and children at the Juba Teaching Hospital from November 3–8.

A team of 12 doctors and nurses, Give To Help Repair Cleft Lipshailing from the United States, Canada, Kenya, and the United Kingdom, plan to run two operating tables. Some beneficiaries will come from around Juba, while Samaritan’s Purse pilots will fly in other patients from remote areas in six different states of the country. One family is walking 25 miles just to reach a small airstrip where they will be picked up and returned.

Children born with a cleft lip in South Sudan are often abused, prevented from going to school, and made to feel worthless because of the false belief they are possessed by evil. Over 200 patients have had repairs done over the previous three years and the results can be life-altering. Not only are the health and cosmetic improvements dramatic, many encounter the Great Physician while in Juba.

Justin Diwiri, a pastor and partner with us last year, summed up the project well:
“Patients arrive looking sad, they cannot live a normal life, and many don’t know Christ. They leave happy and healed, many receiving Christ and others growing stronger in their relationship with the Lord.”

This year the team anticipates adding cleft palate repairs to the docket. Please pray for the success of this program and for God to be glorified through it.

You can follow regular updates from the field on Facebook, Twitter, y Instagram during the first week of November.

Samaritan's Purse envía grupos especializados a lugares como Sudán del Sur y Bolivia para realizar cirugías ambulatorias a cientos de pacientes. Tu donación de $250 nos ayudará a cubrir los costos de procedimientos quirúrgicos que cambian vidas, para poder mostrarle a estos niños y niñas cuán preciosos son a los ojos de Dios.
Cirugía de labio leporino/paladar hendido Samaritan's Purse envía grupos especializados a lugares como Sudán del Sur y Bolivia para realizar cirugías ambulatorias a cientos de pacientes. Tu donación de $250 nos ayudará a cubrir los costos de procedimientos quirúrgicos que cambian vidas, para poder mostrarle a estos niños y niñas cuán preciosos son a los ojos de Dios.

Cirugía de labio leporino/paladar 013979
Suggested Gift: $250 | Share the Cost $25

