Like Little Children

octubre 31, 2014 • Democratic Republic of the Congo
Like Little Children

Boys and girls tell their friends and family about Jesus after learning about His love through Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts

Pastor Obed Mukanirwa is the ministry coordinator for Samaritan’s Purse in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

160x160In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, our ministry team helps church leaders through discipleship training, seminars, and a three-month portable Bible school. Before the Bible school program closed in August, we distributed Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to 100 children from local churches and the surrounding areas.

Dramas, songs, and a short message on Jesus as the greatest gift ever were presented to the children in the presence of a number of parents who also attended. All the spectators were astonished and overjoyed to see how the presents came so far to reach children in another land without the senders even knowing to whom the gifts would be given. I was touched by how this truly shows God’s love for those who are far from Him and still in darkness.

Like Little Children

After they received their gifts, children were encouraged to return home and testify about what they had seen and heard. They accepted our challenge! We’ve witnessed them sharing the message with their friends and family. It’s amazing how children can be the best at obeying the commission to share the Gospel; they can be true witnesses of Christ when our churches give them discipleship training through The Greatest Journey.

Because of the testimony in Mambasa, we’re convinced that children can be powerful evangelists in our churches. They’re willing to go where we, the adults, would never bother to enter. I believe we must encourage this ministry among children if we want a real church that has the disciples of Jesus.

The Church, which should be the light and salt of the world, will only be a reality tomorrow if we devote ourselves to training up the youth in our churches, right from the start, today.

Operation Christmas Child A través de Operation Christmas Child, Samaritan's Purse está compartiendo las Buenas Nuevas de Jesucristo con millones de niños en más de 100 países cada año. Muchos de estos niños nunca han recibido un regalo o escuchado sobre el verdadero significado de la Navidad, hasta que abren sus cajas de regalos de una persona como tú. Algunas personas no pueden dar los $10 por caja que solicitamos para los costos de envío. Pero si adoptas una caja, puedes colaborar con ellos en enviar el Evangelio y ayudar "a fin que seas para salvación hasta lo último de la tierra"(Hechos 13:47, RVR1995).

Operation Christmas Child 013477
Adopta una caja: $10 | Adopta un Cartón de 15 cajas: $150

